Forum Replies Created
Hi Sheba;
This year! Ack.
Anyway, I left a couple of guesses for Heidi’s TS on the Heidi Thread. Hot Rocks or Atemis in a necklace with different color ways. Reserving my thoughts on either.
Thank you for your very kind thoughts. How are YOU doing?
Give Poppy love from Ari and Chloe.
Be safe;
What an adorable bunny rabbit! It is hard to believe we are in March. This year f so much is seeming like a blip.
How are you Sheba. Better weather would be a tremendous help for you. Imagine a pleasant Springtime jaunt with Poppy.
We had a week! My husband’s friend of sixty years who also happened to be his ex BIL died last Friday at his home with Hospice. We went to see him wearing two masks and at least twelve feet from the bed. It was his decision. He was faced with dialysis and oxygen.
Jerry told him he loved him. We went home. An hour later he was gone. Somewhere he also contracted COVID. Wear the masks everyone. We must.
So, I have been off the thread because a misery mood is not something you need Dear Sheba.
Today is a golf lesson. Time to start guessing Heidi’s TS. I do not have a clue.
Hi Poppy from Ari and Chloe.
Put it on Autoship!
Hi Sheba;
My fervent hope is that you are getting some or a lot of relief from the weather. It is horrifying. We are making donations to Big Dog Ranch Rescue which is bringing shelter dogs to their very reputable no kill facility. Good time to donate money and clean out toys, blankets, pillows and the like. These babies need help. So do the humans.
Something like this is very frightening in many ways including COVID. My neighbors granddaughter lives in Houston with her fellow. They have four people staying with them whose residences are effected by the storm. She had her vaccine since she is considered healthcare. What about the others? 2021 needs to start behaving.
Jerry gave me the Pearl necklace with the lion running through it from the Heidi site. It is called Feline Wrao-ture. Beautiful. The beads are not huge. It is a gorgeous piece. I also received HSN gift certificateas so I am waiting for Heidi’s TS although I am wary of anything that is so mass produced.
I also bought myself a gift by rejoining WW. Keto is good for losing weight but it is very fat based. I truly do not enjoy foods that are full of fat. Takes my lipstick right off. Anything that greasy cannot be good for my body. As for lipstick; truly enjoying Mented.
Am I boring or what.
Hi Sheba;
You are right. We love coffee. Most people have liquor bars. We have a coffee bar. However, my coffee is now decaf. Acid reflux and caffeine do not mix.
Yes it is my birthday tomorrow. I will be 69!!! Whaaaat?
Okay, this is what I bought. Just two items for spring to match my Newport Chic ll necklace with enhancer which I got in Navy with a green and navy enhancer. Mind you, I got it last spring and have yet to wear it. So….to blend with it I ordered:
Bamboozled bracelet in green. 708-833
Well connected omega earrings in green 704-277.This should all worked together without being a set.
Nothing in the sale is beckoning yet and I saw a box arrive from Heidi. Jerry goes to the site.
Please stay warm.
Hi Sheba;
How are you? We are seeing the weather reports in your section of our beautiful country. My hope is you kept your electricity. It is hard to imagine people even leaving the house except if one must or the doggie has to go to the bathroom. My think8ng is you are prepared in most ways but not delighted at all by this blast of weather.Sheba, I don’t know if you watched Stanley Tucci’s Gastronomic tour of Italy. It airs on Sunday night on CNN. It is incredible. I will now look for Marzano Canned tomatoes. I know the food made in Italy tastes different from the Italian food cooked here. Their foods are so organic. I could have gained weight just watching. No need for snacking while watching this. Nothing will do compared to what he is eating. And….Stanley Tucci is soooo sexy.
Today, I go for a blood drawer which I dread. I am vein impaired with one decent pipeline. Ack!
This is for thyroid and a quick wellness visit. Then home to see if the program guide can yield me information about Heidi’s shows tomorrow.Hug Poppy for Ari and Chloe who told me I cannot watch the news all the time. They are correct.
Love you;
On my Birthday! Help!
Hi Sheba;
Love my flowers. Thank you. I hope you are warm, safe and well with Cool Hand Luke and Poppy
I thought of you during the Super Bowl. Is Tom Brady the most envied man in America? What a talent!As for our shots. I felt little or nothing but slight soreness on my arm on Sunday. BUT MONDAY; I felt like a Zombie with fatigue. I walked the doggies at noon, came in and climbed into bed. My temperature was slightly elevated. Stayed in bed from noon to Tuesday morning. Jerry did not have a reaction except a sore arm. Will I be footloose and fancy free now that i have had my vaccine? Heck no. I have my Patricia Nash mask collection, disposable masks, copper fabric masks, shields and a couple of N95s. I have two shields.
The vaccine protects somewhat. I also feel compelled to protect others. We all need to protect ourselves and others.
Used my Instant Pot last night. First time I have used it Not a bad item but another gadget. Do you have one?
Ari and Chloe are getting ready to Zoom with Poppy
Love you
Hi Sheba;
Thinking of you in the cold with Super Bowl looming. Stay warm.
Today I will pr ep for our journey tomorrow which will start in the early hours of the morning. Down from Wellington to Sample Road in Broward County. Yes, Sunday is second vaccine day. Bringing snacks, I Pad and reading materials. Having my coffee at 3 am so it will be gone by 6 am. As we leave the house. Dog walker lined up
Super bowl in evening. I shall be asleep early. However, one must anticipate a reaction. I have no plans on Monday or Tuesday. That is rich. I have hardly had plans for nearly a year!
Today I must go to Jakrs Pet Supply to buy new Kibbles. Ari’s allergy test came back with some food allergies which includes venison which is In his current kibble. I am waiting for the report. He has many plant allergies. So, he will get injections three times a week for a couple of months fo desensitize. Either that or pills for life. My poor boy.
But wait …whoever heard of this. His fecal assessment show the boy has high anxiety which can be genetic but also can be heightened with environment. He is a rescue. My thinking is he got to be an expensive dog. Well, he now will go on Zoloft. Zoloft! His shrink feels there are too many unknowns with hemp products. OMG! This is all a little depressing. I feel as if I should have a penthouse in the sky with paper training. Not happening.
So, we will go through the regimen. The Vet is ten minutes away. We will pull into the parking lot and the vet tech will come out to the car. Sometimes, I will ask Jerry to take home. Ari is great in the car. A treat after the shot and home to Chloe and my chair while Ari gets a belly rub from Daddy.
Okay, before this goes poof…..
Love you my virtual pal;
Super Bowl Sunday will be at home with the doggies. I hope that Jerry and I have slightly sore left arms. See, it is 7:15 PM in Florida. I am in lump mode.
Sheba, you are such a strong, good person. Thank you for all you do and for being you.
Hi Poppy
Hi Sheba;
Every night I sit down after the dishes are done to write to you. After an hour; I am dozing off. Waking up at 5:30 AM helps me do this. So, this morning I am replying and catching you up on no news in this house which is most likely a good thing. G-d willing; we will get our second vaccine on Sunday. Leaving the house at 6 am. When it is done nothing will change. I think we will feel a little safer but not that much. There is too much in this beautiful world of ours that has me scared.
Today I plan to take my InstantPot out of the box. It has been there for nearly a year. I sent one to a friend for her new home. She used it the first day. My SIL promised to teach me but COVID means she won’t be inside anyone’s house and that includes mine. Her daughter who teaches is living with her which makes her Uber cautious.
Ari has a telemedicine appointment with his veterinary psychiatrist at 11:00. My little rescue boy has his fears.
Sheba, I think you need to get the pale ecru dress you showed above. You are tall and although I have never seen you; my suspicion is you would wear it exceptionally well.
My love to all you love with Poppy at the top of the list.
Wherever this is; I want to be there.
Good evening Sheba;
Poppy is gorgeous. What an Adogable little man he is! They go straight into our souls. Ari and Chloe were so happy to see him in person.
How are you doing? This has been some stressful period for you. I know you take care of yourself and Poppy takes care of you and you take care of everyone including all of us.
This is a short one tonight. Jerry just had me editing his thank you note to Wolf. I wish there was some way to send you the birthday video.
Stay safe;
My guess as is this minute is Hot Rocks or Artemis in a necklace. Either one would have to have more color ways. What do you think?
I did buy a pair of green and blue earrings of something she is featuring with her clearance. The program guide has become my go to with vendors I like. Glad to see others do it. Makes me feel less nuts.