Forum Replies Created
Sheba,Just dropping in to see you and all the sweet ladies here and wish each of you a very Happy New Year.Beautiful pictures and posts,as always.(((((HUGS))))))) to each of you that read and or post here.
Sheba,I do not get to post much now but I wanted to drop in and wish each of you an early very Merry Christmas..My best to each of you that post or just read here.Prayers for all in need and so sorry about your loss,Sheba…..Very beautiful pictures and songs,plus the posts of course.
HO Ho HO to everyone.((((((((HUGS)))))))) for everyone too.
Sheba,I had logged out,saw my pic still up and yours and logged back in to say Hi today.Thank you for the beautiful bassets,my song and birthday wishes.I have not been able to post much lately but I think of you often.Happy Birthday to my friend Mouse too.(((((Hugs to each of you that post here)))))))))))
Sheba,I posted to you somewhere below but forgot to tell you how beautiful and serene your gallery is.Thank you for posting it.Also so many cute cuddly kitties too.(smile)
Tamrick and Sheba,I hope it is OK if I post to you both together.Site is not wanting to take my posts.ACK.
Tamrick,How good to see you.Just hanging in there,some days a little better than others.But you ladies always lift my moods.(smile)..Hope you are doing well and have a great week.
Sheba,I know so many losses are so difficult,so I will keep you in my prayers.(((HUGS)))
I hope you do warm up soon.We have been having so many beautiful songbirds this week and they have been very vocal.Love to hear it..That 1 you posted is so cute.Thank you.
I wanted to let you know I heard from Meme and she is a little better,baby steps as she calls it.I think she had her grandkids some this last week and I know that helps.
Hi to all who post here and I hope everyone has beautiful weather this week.Congrats to Deek on her win.YAY.
Sheba,Thank you for my beautiful rose you posted on the other page.((((HUGS)))))))So sorry about more bad weather headed your way.I know you have to be so tired of snow now.
Good weekend wishes to everyone on this sweet and beautiful thread.(smile)
I know I am late but just wanted to say Happy Easter to each of you.(smile).I skimmed a little and sure wish we had some of that cold weather…80 here,very unusual for this early in the Spring.Pollen so thick you cannot breath,1 reason I think I am staying so puny feeling.(sigh)
I hope each of you have an enjoyable,healthy and safe week.Prayers for all in need.
Sheba and Cherie,plus anyone else posting pictures,so beautiful and some are so funny.Nothing like a smile to start the day.((((((HUGS))))))))) to each of you on this thread.
Hi,Cherie,As you can see,I could not sleep so I got out of bed for 1 of the few times lately.Still not feeling good but hopefully it will pass soon.I think the med helps 1 thing and hurts another.ACK….I love your Snoopy,1 of my very faves.
..Sheba,I was so sorry to read of your loss.I had an aunt that was like a mother to me,so I know how you are feeling.Prayers for you,your dad and all your family.((((((((HUGS))))))))
Hi to everyone else and I send my best wishes and prayers for each of you.Please include me in your prayers too.Thank you…I have missed everyone and hope to feel like posting again soon.
As always,I enjoyed the posts,pictures and songs.Hope everyone has a good week.
Sheba,Thank you so much and such a precious basset.This cold and now wet weather has really stopped me in my tracks with pain but hopefully it will ease soon.
Hi to everyone and hope each of you have a very good night.(((((((HUGS)))))))))))
Sheba,THe crystal basset is a beauty.Thank you to a very special lady and thank you for being so nice too.((((((((((HUGS))))))))..Merry Christmas to you.
Taci,You are so sweet and I wish you a very Merry Christmas.Yes,wearing the ring(only re-ordered the 1 I liked the most)since I was really afraid to order much with delivery woes.
Enjoy this day with family,friends and lots of good food.(((((((HUGS)))))
Velvet,Merry Christmas to you too.Hope your Christmas Eve and Day are full of all your wishes for us.You are a very special and kind lady so I know Santa will be good to you.((HUGS)
So many gorgeous pictures,songs,posts and love the stories too.Just wanted to say HI and wish each of you a Merry Christmas Eve.Make sure your chimneys are clean,so Santa can get down them and not track in soot all over the floor.YIKES..LOL.
Santa’s FedEx elf finally delivered hubby’s last gift about 6 last night.I waited on him all day in a quiet house so I did not miss him.
Merry Christmas to Sheba,Loaf,Cherie,Taci,Tamrick,Meme,Deek,Pookie Mcpoopoo and please forgive if I forgot anyone’s name.,plus all who read here but do not post….Hope it is a great one for each of you and your families.
Christmas (HUGS) and love from my house to each of yours.
Sheba,What a beautiful gallery of roses.Happy Thursday to you,Loaf,Cherie,Taci,Mcpoopoo and all that read and post here.
So very sorry to read of your family member’s loss.My aunt(who I loved like a Mother) had that type cancer and her last days were so hard on her and the family.Hospice was outstanding,as usual.She passed 10 yrs after my daddy,her brother.Prayers for you and all that loved her. ((((HUGS))))
I hope bad weather goes away for each of you and Spring brings the beautiful flowers and trees back to life…Hope each of you have a great rest of your week.
Sheba,Your Gallery is so beautiful.Purple is 1 of my fav colors.
Just a little note to say HI and I hope everyone is well,including family…Sheba,So very sorry for your losses.I have only posted a little lately but I have missed everyone.
While I have been in bed so much,I have DVR’d several of the real old movies on TCM.I don’t think I have seen many of them but I think most won awards back in the 50’s.I forgot how dramatic actresses used to be but they were still real beauties..I was not born when most were made but I love to see the beautiful fashions from those days and the cars.
Cherie,Thank you so much on your chicken help.It was so sweet of you.
I skimmed back a little and laughed.My hubby always says if I die 1st,he would have no problem getting a woman because of all my jewelry.I told him he can keep it but no other woman better wear it or I will haunt him and her.LOL.
A good week to Sheba,Loaf,Mcpoopoo,Taci,Tamrick,Cherie and please forgive if I forgot anyone.Prayers and good thoughts for all in any type need…See you again when I ever feel better.