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Hello Sheba 🌹
My heart breaks for you and your family. You have lost too many beloved family members in a short time. I pray the Lord holds you all close during this time.
Sending condolences and prayers 🙏🙏 -
Good afternoon in Florida.🌹
Oodiebom, I saw your post and wanted to thank you for the safe travel wishes. We did enjoy our time away, especially the cooler weather. I love animals and seeing the horses and elk is always a treat.
We arrived last night and fed the fur babies before doing anything else. We give them treats and water along the way because it is always past their mealtime by the time we get home. They really are very good travelers.
Much to do, but first I need to go to the grocery store for much needed staples.
Take care Oodiebom, You and your Husband are on my prayer list too.
I have been loving the precious kitties Sheba has been posting for you. -
Howdy Sheba 😘😎
We are safely back home in sunny Texas. Rolled in last night at dark 30–long day. We were 4 tired
“puppies “, 😂.
Trying to decide what to tackle first but wanted to say hello before heading out to the grocery store.
Sheba, I did see your post and my song, Shadow Dancing. Thank you. I do love to dance and when I play my music, I will dance around the house and temporarily forget my troubles and enjoy the music 🎼 .
Jewel and Little D have thoroughly patrolled their yard and is now safe for Mommy!! We aren’t even thinking of doing any yard work for a few days. I do wish I could have been a horse whisperer and convinced one of those beautiful horses to come home with me😜. I will miss seeing them.
Sheba, have a nice Tuesday . Prayers, Blessings and Hugs.❤️🌹 -
Hello Sheba and good Sunday to you.😘🦋
We are busy today getting ready to head home to Boerne tomorrow. Hubby said we will be back later for a few more weeks so we aren’t “winterizing” the house yet.
We had a beautiful day today and enjoyed our last bike ride this morning.
Hugs to you and Poppy from the munchkins and me.❤️❤️
Take care Sheba. Talk to you soon. -
Howdy Sheba. 😘🌻
Fall is in the air and I’m loving it🤗🤗. The fall pictures you posted today are beautiful. My two munchkins are so frisky on their cold morning walks. The afternoons do warm up to a very pleasant low 70’s and sunny.
We were over a neighbor’s house Monday evening and we had a clear sky to witness that gorgeous moon come up. It was so bright and big and seemed so close. We were all quiet for a minute and just wanted to gaze at its beauty.
We had crock pot stew yesterday. I put it all together before Sister and I hit the streets, LOL. We went to visit our Jewelry store friend. The apple trees here in Ruidoso are so beautiful this year and loaded with apples. My friend has 2 and gave us a bagful. I’ll be peeling and cutting them up tomorrow to cook.
My 2 hounds are staring holes through me and fussing at me. It is 4:30 here and past time for their dinner, which is 4:00.
Sheba, take care. Jewel and Little D reminded me to send their best to Poppy.❤️🌹
Prayers to you and family. -
Howdy Sheba😘❤️
Good to hear from you and that the butterflies are staying close and watching over you.🦋🦋
My Sister will be here tomorrow and I can’t wait!!
We have had beautiful weather lately and have enjoyed eating our meals outside. Haven’t seen any unusual critters lately but on an evening bike ride around the walking path, we stopped to watch a dog obedience class that was going on in the parking lot. It was fun to watch. It brought back so many good memories of our first fur baby, Shawnee, a Great Pyrenees. We took her to puppy kindergarten and then to Basic. I think I learned more than she did.
I know you will be getting ready for Trivia soon.
Take care Sheba. We love you and the three of us send a group hug to you and Poppy. ❤️ -
Good evening. I wanted to thank you for the nice post a few days ago. I’m really bad about writing as I guess I’m more old school and like talking but that’s not an option here.
I’ve been staying in touch with my Ruidoso community friends. Some say they will rebuild but some not. It’s so sad to think our little community will forever be changed.
I love the wild horses and elk and pray they were able to find a safe place. You made me think of a good memory of one evening we were sitting on the deck and all of a sudden there was this horse parade coming down the street from the forest!!! They were walking single file and not stopping to nibble any grass. It was such an incredible sight. Lots of great wildlife memories.
I hope your allergies get better soon. We are staying inside as much as possible due to the Sahara dust which really makes us miserable.
Take care and I pray you will be able to bring your Hubby home soon.
Flower, Little D and Mabel -
I’m so sorry to hear about your Colorado nephew. My condolences and prayers to you and your family.
Making the last batch of chunky salsa from our garden veggies. Had a great crop of tomatoes, peppers and onions. This year’s tomatoes were juicy and sweet and were so good in salads and sandwiches.
Don’t know when we’ll go to Ruidoso as now there is widespread flooding and the crews are responding to this.
Sheba, please take care of yourself. Sending gentle hugs.🙏🌹
Flower, Little D and Mabel -
Hello, thanks for the recent message. It had been so long since I posted, I was afraid I had forgotten how!!
We are hoping we will be able to go to Ruidoso in a couple of weeks but all depends on if utilities, water etc are safe and available in our area. Today, full time residents are able to return but need to bring a weeks worth of groceries and water. I have a friend that went back but she still had a home to go back to.
Our Mabel is a big girl alright, 83 pounds! She is a sweet natured gentle giant but can be a tad stubborn at times. She is never far from my side and the perfect movie companion.
I don’t know her story as to how she ended up at the rescue but the Lady who runs this rescue said one day she just walked up to the facility. Sounds like she was dumped as the facility is in a rural area. No one ever came for her so she was placed on website and the rest is history. We lost our sweet girl Jewel about 2 years ago, so it was awhile before we adopted Mabel in Dec 2023.
The vet estimates her age between 5 and 6 years old. We didn’t want a puppy but she still makes us laugh like one with her goofiness.
Thank you for listening to my ramblings about Mabel. I’ve been hugging her a lot lately.
Take care, Flower, Little D and Mabel -
Want to say hello and hope you are better this afternoon.
So sorry to hear about your nephew. Couldn’t believe what happened…..and that person didn’t even stop to help. I’ve added him to my prayer list. Hope he is improving each day.
My jewelry store friend was able to return last night to her home and shop-(they are next door to each other). She is in a part of town that was spared from the 2 fires. She said as soon as they can, she and hubby will go to our place and check on it until we are able to go. Currently, only full time residents are allowed in.
I loved seeing the picture of Mabel. She has the St. Bernard face/ head and the rest is white like a Great Pyrenees. Her personality is more St Bernard than Pyr. Little D basically ignores her but she loves him and is so gentle around him.
Thanks for the song….you remember it’s one of my favorites. Perfect song for that gorgeous moon we had.
I’ll keep in touch. ❤️
Flower, Little D and Mabel -
Hello Sheba,
I haven’t posted in so long, I’m not sure where this will show up.
I do check in from time to time and happened to see what you wrote about our New Mexico cabin.
Our little neighborhood community in Ruidoso has been devastated by the current wildfires. 18 homes were lost, 4 ok that we know of and 4 unsure of.
We were getting ready to leave home to go up there by end of June, so we weren’t there yet, but most of the Texas neighbors were already there. On Monday, they and the full time residents received the Evacuation notice.
I’ve talked with most of them and their stories are horrific and absolutely heartbreaking.
Our home is one of the 4 that survived. One of the neighbors stayed in the Walmart parking lot on the outskirts of town and drove back into the neighborhood the next morning before the roads were closed off and took pictures.
We are thankful everyone and fur babies got out safely.
Im sorry my first post back is a sad one.
Your friend,
Flower, Little D and introducing Mabel, our new 5 yr old Great Pyrenees/ St Bernard rescue -
Good afternoon Sheba.😘🌻
Taking a little break right now and wanted to say hello. My hatch chili casserole is ready to be baked, table set and artichoke dip ready for tonight’s dinner. I just need to make the fideo and avocado salad. I made the peach cobbler yesterday. Hubby was disappointed he couldn’t have any when it came out of the oven. I told him that is for tomorrow 😂.We are raining and in the 40’s. We won’t be dining outside this evening.
Sheba, you are welcome. I am also a Catholic and believe in the power of prayer.
Enjoy your Heidi afternoon and this evening’s walk with Poppy. 😘❤️ -
Good evening Sheba😘❤️
We were very coolish 53 with cloudy/drizzly and windy all day. This feels like winter to this South Texas gal. It was a good day for a pot of homemade chicken vegetable soup. I made this while cleaning house.
Ok, Chapter 2 of the Horses of Lincoln County. I did look for them yesterday but they didn’t come by our house. I had to return to the store for something I had forgotten and what did I see as I turned the corner….they were inside a 3 sided carport next to a house. It was a sight to see them huddled there. It was as though they were corralled in a barn. Two were just standing on the sidewalk leading from the carport to the front deck. The owner and his son were outside and petting one on the sidewalk. I watched them for awhile and left. When I came back, they were gone. You must have had a great time growing up around horses. They truly are one of nature’s beautiful creatures.
Regarding jewelry, before we left this summer, I placed a sleeping beauty turquoise ring and an inlay turquoise silver cuff bracelet in layaway. I will get them out before I leave. I treated myself to an early birthday present.😜
Will be in the 40’s tonight. PJ’s on and looking forward to relaxing in bed and read.
Enjoy your OZ evening. The 3 of us send warm hugs on this cold evening to you and Poppy. ❤️❤️ -
Howdy Sheba😘. Good Monday in OZ🌻
The days are flying by fast now as this is our last week here. We leave this Sunday, 10/3.
I am on wild horse alert and lookout!! I was on my way home from the store and there they were, on the street that is below us. I stopped to watch the colts as they are so frisky and playing together. I’m hoping they will come up our way as they head into the forest.
We are a very cool 62 today with a slight breeze.
I’m having 2 friends over for dinner Thursday. I’m trying a new recipe using Hatch chilies—a chiles rellenos casserole. I’ve had it before and loved it but never made it.
Sheba, sending comforting thoughts your way. Let’s have a cup of tea together and wait for the horses. I know you will love them. ❤️❤️
Jewel and Little D saved a special place for Poppy next to them on the deck.🐶🐶 -
Good evening Sheba😘. I’m thinking of you and waving as I look at that gorgeous full moon 🌕.
You and your family will be in my prayers tonight.🙏🌹