Just wondering, with curtis being number 1 seller in cookware, and have sold millions at HSN, at this point in time, why not free shipping on his products and offer it as a thank you to his loyal customers? I see he is airing items today, and some with 7.50 shipping! I just think we deserve better, and BTW no more purchasing curtis stone products for awhile😏
I definitely agree!!! If not for all of us shoppers purchasing his products through the years, he would not have gained all this popularity! HSN/Curtis should be gracious and extend free shipping!
(Especially considering that that there are so many complaints about the products such as the outside color of the pots and pans fade!!!!! And the product, that is supposed to be metal utensil safe is not as the company has had to replace numerous pots because the finish inside was scraped off!! Just sayin’)
Conversation Info
Posted in Kitchen & Food
2 Replies
03.19.21 2:52 PM
2 Participants