I still have and use several Tupperware items i purchased 64 years ago.
I too have some very old tupperware. I saved the huge green bowl mom used to make tater salad in & put bird seed in it. I tossed the rest as I am certain they have bpa i the plastic.
You are right. The old Tupperware is unsafe to use for food. Plenty of information on the internet about it.
That’s a very cute idea to use it for bird seed
hol44 It was out of necessity!! I enter thru fam room & had 3 bags of birdseed there! A mouse came in as I unload groceries slowly @74, but fortunately have learned to keep fam. rm door to rest of house closed!! I live in the country-could have been worse–a larger animal. lol.
yes definitely could have attracted something bigger! You sound like me with all the bird seed
feeding the songbirds near our porch is one of my favorite things. Late at night I’ve seen possums and a racoon around it so the critters for sure want in on it
I told myself I wasn’t going to buy any Tupperware. Then HSN had to put THE TUPPERWARE KRYPTONITE on the Weekly Deal Drop. The salt and pepper shakers AND THEIR MINIS!!! YES, I unapologetically bought one of each color. Oh and I might have bought just about every other T-ware piece they sold.
hard to resist!! Enjoy your pieces!!
That’s so awesome!!
I’m 46 but my mom still has stuff from when I was a kid and it still looks just as good as it did then! LOVE Tupperware!!
Conversation Info
Posted in Kitchen & Food
9 Replies
01.11.25 4:43 AM
5 Participants