Holiday Foods Being Offered Pricing???
Cooking is a passion for me. I have been cooking over 50 years! Is it just me or are the prices of this food being offered frozen over the top. Case in point, the Beef Wellington from Curtis Stone, $99 for 4!! After tax that is over $25 a piece. These are very small portions so you are actually getting HALF of a tenderloin roast. If HSN is going to sell a Beef Wellington then at least sell a whole one for $99. Almost $200 for a Ham and a Turkey!! No!
We aren’t supposed to be having big gatherings because of Covid!
The other big rip-off in my opinion are the bacon wrapped shrimp. These are way overpriced. I just can’t see throwing money away on this stuff. Any thoughts?
Okay well thank you for the replies however I wasn’t asking if I should purchase this stuff as I would not purchase it. Just wanted to see if anyone felt the way I did. I don’t eat anything with preservatives in it either and I cook daily. I just feel as though these prices are not appropriate for the times right now or the limitations we have in gathering together. I agree there are many hurting out there and we all need to do what we can. God Bless all of you and yes we will not forget those in need including our Furry friends!
Hi everyone, I wholeheartedly agree, the pricing is absolutely ridiculous — nothing is special about that food — it’s completely NOT worth it.
OODIEBOM has a wonderful idea of purchasing extra food and giving it to people who really need it. I’ve done that type of donating to women’s shelters (for abused women and their children) and church / synagogue / mosque, organizations. There are homeless shelters and soup kitchens in almost every city or town. It’s easy to find places to donate just by calling a house of worship, a shelter, and of course helping out our neighbors in need. Now, some grocery stores will deliver your order to the person you gift it to. And PLEASE, PLEASE, let’s also remember the animal shelters. PLEASE.
*** These are really challenging times we’re going through, Stay Safe. It really doesn’t matter if you’re Democrat or Republican, but the growing tyrant to keep safe from is Marxism (a doctrine developed by karl marx and to a lesser extent, frederich engels.) which is NOT Democratic or Republican.
God Bless everyone ~ warm hugs ~ -
Did you see the four twice baked potatoes for $55.00?
I think that’s crazy pricing and I wouldn’t pay it, and I also wouldn’t buy food from a shopping channel. I really don’t believe, in spite of what hype they might tell you, that there is anything special or out of the ordinary about what they’re selling to warrant such high prices.
Because of added preservatives I do not purchase anything frozen on line or in the market. I enjoy preparing a turkey that is fresh as well as ham and meat products. On the other hand, even the markets seem to up the prices around holidays and religious events. And , now, with the pandemic. it hurts me to see such price gouging especially when many are still many people who are unemployed and can barely make ends meet. Wouldn’t it be nice if we could purchase what we need and buy extra and prepare these foods for a drop off to someone who really needs our help and would appreciate a helping hand.
Conversation Info
Posted in Kitchen & Food
6 Replies
11.10.20 8:01 PM
5 Participants