Food for diabetics?
Can HSN feature foods for diabetics to eat safely? Seems that sugar loaded, fat loaded and carb loaded foods are in abundance but can’t find many healthier foods. Thank you for considering bringing in more healthy foods.
Don’t think that will ever happen although I wold some good food for diabetics. If they did than people would complain that they want low salt, no dairy, no nuts, low carbs, gluten free and on and on. They would not be able to please everyone. I ‘m thinking of subscribing to one of those meal plan companies that have low carb dinners.
A separate post to customer service by all interested may have a more direct impact on HSN’s offerings.
More than likely they offer what a majority of their viewing audience may buy. The more interest, the better chances of them adding new food items. How many of the million of you watch & shop at HSN? If they got a million requests, I think it would be a smart business move to add what you want on a trial basis.
Also, if you know of product brands that offer what you need/like, it wouldn’t hurt to suggest them.
I’m not sure if you are aware that Andrew Lessman added a sugar substitute to his line this year. It contains no sugar, which most of the popular sugar substitutes do. Item 661-342, which has more info about it online. Also, you can call their product help line if you have any questions @ 1-800-809-7311. Of course ALs’ products are cheaper during his visits along with free shipping. His next visit is October 12.
Good luck!
I agree. Don’t they realize there are million of us out there that can’t and/or choose not to eat like that? How about some healthy Keto type options.
Conversation Info
Posted in Kitchen & Food
4 Replies
09.24.19 3:21 AM
4 Participants