Curtis stone Durapan discoloration
Help. My white colored exterior of my sauteuse and frying pan has developed these ugly caramel colored smudges and streaks. I have a gas stove and when I wash after, the ugly caramel marks can NOT be removed. I’ve used dish soap and soft scrub, a tooth brush, even SS pads but nothing, nothing removrs these ugly stains from my white exterior.
His customer service dept is NOT helpful with advise. Emails to them are rarely returned. It takes about a month of continuous followups to get a reply, if any.
What can I use to bring them back to it’s out of the box look?
Well, I have the turquoise pans. I don’t have discoloring but the stains on the sides don’t come off. I will try the products above to see how they work. I have burnt the out of the inside of one of my pans and I just soaked it and it came out and did not damage the pan. I just bought the cookie sheets in turquoise and will let you know how they work as I’m getting ready to cook salmon tonight and I will use one of the small pans I bought to go with the air fryer oven. Overall I’m happy with his products. I never use metal utensils always wood or silicone.
Well, I have the turquoise pans. I don’t have discoloring but the stains on the sides don’t come off. I will try the products above to see how they work. I have burnt the out of the inside of one of my pans and I just soaked it and it came out and did not damage the pan. I just bought the cookie sheets in turquoise and will let you know how they work as I’m getting ready to cook salmon tonight and I will use one of the small pans I bought to go with the air fryer oven. Overall I’m happy with his products. I never use metal utensils always wood or silicone.
I think a big mistake is using any aerosol non stick spray. I just read it actually sticks to the pans after awhile. They should tell you not to use it. Instead by a non aerosol sprayer and add you own oil to it. My fry pans have food sticking to them now., and are discolored ..they still clean up easily, but it’s the no sticking of food that I want.
I’ve had the same experience with the outside of the pans discoloring and I do not use high heat. The inside of the pans still work great, and they are non-stick and clean up beautifully, but the outside are ugly and look dirty/burnt. Very sad!
Probably nothing you can do except don’t buy his products . Curtis & HSN should be stopped from selling these defective & cheap products. There’s no quality control.
I just bought a cookie sheet at Tuesday Morning for $10 & it’s much better quality.
Curtis’ cookie sheets/pans are indeed defective. Many reviewers have had the same issues.
Really not right for him & HSN to sell these products to loyal shoppers. -
The cookie sheets I bought discolored & one warped after two uses. Did Curtis use this product before he made $$ on it? Not fair to the consumer.
Has anyone had luck w/ replacement from HSN?
Celebrity chef stuff is usually very low quality, you only see them using brand new spanking pans when they cook. One chef on his own show doesn’t even use his own cookware. You are better off spending the extra money to buy cookware from companies who specialize in it and have been making them for years. I will say though, that I have some WP stainless steel ware and that
has held up pretty well. All chefs/cooks I have seen always sear their meats in a screaming hot pan to get that crusty sear. Since I don’t eat meat, it doesn’t matter for me, but friends who love steak would never cook their stead on medium heat. -
dvard I have watched every presentation since he first came on and originally he said you could cook on high heat then his tune changed saying that medium heat is best. Six or seven where I cook in my saucepans is not high heat it’s slightly above medium. Plus I noticed with his metal utensils, If you take note he’s using his utensils which are all silicone but he still says that he you can use metal on them although I wouldn’t trust it. Wolfgang Puck’s new plasma set he says you can use metal utensils as well and guess what he uses metal utensils on his pans. I kind of think they promised the world and when they start getting some bad reviews they change their tune real quick.
A true chef cooks on all heat settings, not just medium! It is ridiculous to put out a line of cookware that will not accept high heat! And yes, he did change his tune … problem is, the pots were already on my stove!
Lorasas, I agree. Although he is now saying cook on medium heat, he is still stating medal utensils are ok. During one of the presentations yesterday he stated just that while using his metal tongs. I did notice he was using the tongs with a rather soft hand. Listen, I don’t think many of us would mind hearing, “the product works best and will last longer when cooked on medium heat and when non metal utensils are avoided.” I wish they would trust their customers enough to know we can handle the truth. I am a fan of Curtis Stone and probably have way too much of his stuff. I love that he thinks of items that make our cooking life better. Just tell it like it is. It probably won’t stop many of us from continuing to purchase.
Listen to what they say. “We are only cooking on medium heat”
I have the turquoise color and all of them look like heck. The cookie sheets and all the bakeware discolored, like they lost their coating plus the pots and pans in which I only cook on six or seven on my stove top are discolored and peeling paint. Of course all this started happening after the warranty expired. This isn’t surprising every time I find something that I think is the solution, it always gets up in the end. Recently I tried Wolfgang Puffs plasma tsv and it’s not doing bad. The funny part is that’s what I started out with when I first started cooking.
Linny, did you call HSN for replacements? I’ve had great luck with all of Curtis’ skillets but not with his cookie sheets. I had the same problem when I made roasted veggies on it; it buckled with a loud pop, veggies stuck, and both my cookie sheets are discolored. Wondering if the ones I got were defective??
Curtis Stone Company replaced my large cookie sheets when the veggies stained them. They didn’t have the gold color, so I took the red. Never had the problem with the red ones.
The cookie sheets were a nightmare! HSN is still selling them although there are hundreds of bad reviews online.
On the recent Curtis Stone airing, they SPECIFICALLY talked about NOT getting the buckling with the loud pop on the baking sheets LOL. I got the pans but am going to make sure to use/test them before the 30 days is up.
Hi bobzi, I had the same issue with his pans. Purchased the gold they definitely buckle while in the oven and my chicken stuck to the pan. My pan too is now discolored…thought it was because of the seasoning I used on the chicken. I still like his products but I think they over sell the performance. Don’t say you can use metal utensils if you can’t. Advise the customer that the non-stick works best when on low heat. I think most people would appreciate the transparency.
Totally agree it’s the over selling absolutely performance is t the best like he tries to sell
And customer service was a bust said they would send link to manufacturer for assistance
You don’t hear from them either warranty is 1 year
I use BioCleaner sold on QVC. IT is a clay cleaner. I use it on the outside on my Curtis Stone and all my Le Creuset. If you cannot find it, use the cleaners that they sell for glass top ranges.
The clay cleaner they sell on HSN is called EarthBrite.
I see several online. Which item do you highly recommend?
First of all, he does not cook on high heat. His food would be burning if he used high. I use an induction top and use medium or the most medium high when I boil water. I actually use lower than medium most of the time unless I want to sear meat. I have been buying his cookware since he started selling them and have no discoloration. I have white and his gray. First I do not cook on high. Second I never use any aerosol spray oil. I do have an evoo pump or buy evoo non aerosals to use. I however mostly use avocado oil. I also never use metal utensils except for a very thin fish spatula. I use wooden spurtles ( sold on QVC), wooden utensils I bought from pampered chef or silicon ones I have bought from QVC that have metal inside of them. If you do not use high, there should be nothing burnt on it.
Excuse me, but are you in the studio when he cooks? When he is cooking steaks, he is on high heat in order to get that carmelization. You cannot get that on MEDIUM heat!
Secondly, you may use what utensils you choose, but the cookware is advertised as METAL UTENSIL SAFE, and therefore, it should be. Especially since he sells metal utensils!
I have a red pot from a set of pots that I received at my wedding shower, eons ago, and it is still RED. The CS pots that I paid a lot for are no longer red….they are faded and look horrible. I ams orry I ever bought them.
That’s not the hope when he is demonstrating
Glad to see I’m not the only oneJust consider it’s an inexpensive set and MADE IN CHINA
They wipe clean when he wiped out but when u clean up at end of cooking just soap and water leaves a greasy film!!!!!!!!
Same thing has happened to my beautiful red cookware! I’m so disappointed. It was such a pretty color; now they look old and faded.
Customer Service says that the booklet says to not cook on high heat! But when Curtis is on he cooks on high heat and used metal utensils!!!!
Besides the red color being burned off the cookware, metal utensils ruined the inside of one of my pots. They replaced that pot and the same one looks like hombre color not that the bottom is faded and nasty looking.
Where is quality control? Where is HSN???? I say all of us who have had these experiences post on Curtis’ facebook page!!!!!As far as your white pan, do not give up….call, call, call and email, email, email. Send in the photos!!!! After many calls and emails I did get replacements for the pot that was damaged by metal utensils and I did receive a new cookie sheet for the one that turned out to not be non stick when roasted veggies stuck to them and stained!!!!
Conversation Info
Posted in Kitchen & Food
27 Replies
05.29.21 5:12 AM
13 Participants