Curtis Stone Dura-Pans bubble and peel – Don't buy!
I purchased the Curtis Stone Dura-Pan Nonstick 4-Quart Multi-Function Pan w/Grill Lid from HSN 2 years ago. Three months ago I threw out my old nonstick fry pan and started using this. I LOVED this pan!! Nothing stuck to it, nice searing and super easy cleanup. Literally, I could wipe it clean with no soap or water! Last night as I was drying it, I noticed little tiny bubbles on the bottom of the pan. Did some research online and this seems to happen regularly after 6 months of use. Contacted HSN & the warranty folks for the pan and was told that 1) it’s out of warranty so no replacement, and 2) there has been no factory defect recall so I’m just out of luck. Others have said over time the bubbles chip off — so, this is going in the food??!! Shame on you Curtis! I’ll never buy another Curtis Stone product.
I have not had that experience. I have been using his large windsor pan, all sizes fry pans and grill pan since he started selling them. However, with the exception of the grill pan, I never go higher than medium heat except to boil water in the windsor pan ( only offered one time). In the grill pan I get it hot on medium high and then turn it down to medium. I also only use wooden or silicon utensils with the exception of a metal fish spatula which is very very thin. I also cook only on induction so I know exactly what temperature I am using. I think gas, unless you really know your knob , can be much higher than you think it is. I, also, let it cool down completely before I wash it ( though I usually just wipe it like he does on tv, using wet paper towels. If I want to soak something off, like oil, I use a small amount of hot water, never cold unless the pan is completely cool.
I’ve had some of mine since he first started to sell them (plus gave some to friends and family) and we’ve never had a problem with any of them. Don’t use spray, like Pam, on non-stick pans either because it will ruin the finish. I agree about the heat too, never any higher than medium high, he even made a comment once about using higher heat when he’s demonstrating only to be able to get more things done in the short time that he has, he said you should only use medium high too.
This problem is NOT unique to Curtis Stone cookware OR bakeware; if you look around – and sites and magazines like Consumer Reports/ConsumersUnion confirm this, it happens with any and every brand of cookware and bakeware. (With non-stick cookware and bakeware, it can be – naturally – really rough BECAUSE it’s nonstick – and such tends to get used hard.) In the early stages, The Curtis Stone Dura-Pan baking sheets, though, are solid – this review is for the two-piece adjustable-portion set that just sold out on HSN. I personally used one of our two sheet pans to heat up some chicken tenders from frozen in a conventional oven – this put both the pan and portionizer insert to use, as I was heating a mere twelve to eat. Twelve tenders is WAY small for a sheet pan – even twelve only used half the pan. So I used the insert to split the pan in half. Ten minutes to preheat the oven, another ten to cook, cleanup took less than sixty seconds. (Rinse – wipe dry – put away.) That means that you inspect the pans themselves in the cleanup phase – this is true of ALL brands of nonstick cookware and bakeware. Straight forward common sense. (Yet how many of us do it?)
So far I’ve bought his 3 quart jug pan, 14” multi-purpose pan, his silicone utensils and small fry pan. I use them quite a lot and so far I haven’t had a problem. Fingers crossed.
I bought his big cookie sheet/jelly roll pans. Stained & buckled at 400 degress. Can’t believe HSN is selling this productl IT’S DEFECTIVE. Tons of others reviews are the same. I just replaced them today w/ Usa pans. His are going in the garbage.
Buckled at 400 degrees? NO baking sheet should buckle at that temperature! Have you had the thermostat of the OVEN checked – especially if the problem is repeatable? (Thermostats of ovens DO go bad over time; our current oven has, in fact, had its thermostat replaced twice – and it came with the house – which is barely twenty years old.) If you have issues with cookware OR bakeware buckling – regardless of brand – have the thermostat itself checked – especially if the oven is still under warranty.
I was told by daughter not to use lemon scented dish washing soap on non stick pans-it wears off the finish as well as the non-stick surface.
Plus -always have food or a little oil in the pan before heating.-
This issue is due to what is used in the dish soap manufacture – and is not unique to lemon-scented soaps. We shifted to Dawn liquid dish soaps years ago for dish handwashing – it’s used to wash baby animals by the HSUS and other animal-welfare groups. (If you’ve seen the commercial of the accidentally-oiled ducklings, that is real – and therefore hard data.) We use the same Dawn for handwashing clothing as well. If care must be taken with washing ANYTHING – and you must wash it by hand – break out the Darn – it hasn’t steered US wrong – or the HSUS and ASPCA, either.
I just purchased Curtis Stone’s 3 skilled set. I used the small one this morning and the eggg stuck awfully. Was I supposed to do something to the pan to keep it from sticking? Please respond Io this. I am going to send them back if it continues
Very unfair that HSN continues to endorse Curtis’ products. They are defective! The sheet pans I bought warped at 400 degrees. BUY USA SHEET PANS! B & Bath & Beyond has them & you can use a coupon. They are the best!
I purchased the entire set about two years ago and this past week I’ve had to throw away to pots because of peeling. I don’t want that in my food when cooking. The same thing happened with another celebrity chef’s set I had.
I don’t have any experience with the CS line, but the best bakeware I have ever used is the Analon nonstick. It’s a little pricey, but it’s so worth it.
Same I saw bubbles and I realized does bubbles go in my food when cooking turns out it does I saw bubbles in MY FOOD I threw it out today very disappointing
I wish Curtis would address some of these issues when he’s at HSN or that HSN would let him address them here. I have numerous skillets and pans and except for a few scratches, mine are fine after a year or two. I do always use a thin coat of oil and find medium heat works well and everything browns well. HOWEVER, his sheet pans are a different story. They do buckle and pop and food sticks badly at 400 degrees. If there are things we shouldn’t be doing or using (like lemon based detergent) please tell us. I DO know better than to use sprays like PAM. A few drops of oil are easier and cheaper than sprays anyway.
you know’ you can get cheaper and better in aldes ‘ I bought these crofton knife used at Thanksgiving carving my turky and it cut perfectly for $9.99.i just bought a small knife with a peeler for $you4.99. that small knife cuts right threw. you can get nice pot and frieing pan in aldes you should try them. you can get really good cook and Bakeware for less.
sheetpans are super heavy! buckled , burned and stained using one time. Threw them out …too expensive to ship back….I do not trust any of his products
I won’t buy any celebrity cookware anymore. I bought some once, and I threw them out 6 months later. Besides, when I see professional chefs cooking on TV they are using stainless steel or cast iron. Several years ago I bought stainless steel pots and pans and have never looked back. I also bought a cast iron pan. Occasionally I will see a good quality non stick pan being used.
I have several of Curtis Stone pans…the large deep rounds with handles on both sides do NOT hold up at all…at first they are OK but now everything sticks horribly and they scratch…sad to have bought them…a year is definitely not a long enuf warranty
I bought my three pan set around 3-4 yrs ago and they were great….at first. I wouldn’t even donate these pans because I would be embarrassed…that’s how bad they get after a couple of years and I’ve NEVER had a problem with cookware like this in the past. For those who love this cookware, go for it. Me, I’ll not be wasting my money on them again.
I think his cookware is a rip off. I have had the sheet pans buckle in a 350 oven. He does not say to cook on medium heat. I bought one pan that he was making popcorn in, it was a wok looking thing. The non-stick went south in a hurry when I made popcorn in it. I bought a whole set and gave it as a present. Yup, it is a peeling, unhealthy mess. This is a big problem. He is getting rich selling us . I tell everyone I know not to buy this cookware.
I had a word that had to be removed. It was c r a p.
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Posted in Kitchen & Food
23 Replies
05.15.24 7:02 AM
19 Participants