TSV from Rarities
Why does Carol always use gold-plated material? It turns an awful, cheap and fake color after awhile. Her prices are way out there for something that has that fake look of gold to begin with.
Costume jewelry which is gold plated will have to be stored air tight and will never be worth anything if you ever want to re-sell it. She did have a pearl necklace hanging on a black or brown cord which was kind of attractive but it was over $100. You’d be lucky to get $25 for it on the secondary market. Gold may be costly but is valuable and usually goes up in value . If I want costume jewelry I can buy it on sale in a dept store for a fraction of what this brand costs.
I prob wouldn’t be able to afford her jewelry if she used solid gold. Of course I would prefer solid gold for all my jewelry but gold prices have gone up so much. I would like to see more platinum plated silver because my favorite is white gold. I am glad she doesn’t use “gold tone” though that’s really unappealing to me. Connie Craig has some beautiful jewelry but all of it is gold tone so I just don’t buy it. Other brands are also starting to use gold tone along with stainless steel and bronze , it is a shame gold is so high in price.
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Posted in Jewelry
3 Replies
1 month ago
3 Participants