reversible bracelet
I am 88 years old and have not been reckless with my bracelets i purchased one of your turquoise and pink bracelets just loved it 2nd time i put it on the clasp failed & i lost it i was just sick let HSN know they did nothing, so I bought another thought the 1st one was a just fluke i am on ss so not well off by no means so made payments the 2nd one the magnet fell out and i lost it again but found it this time and was able to return it hSn replaced it i have been afraid to wear it has hung in my jewelry box a few days ago i thought I have $200.00 invested here i am going to chance it put it on and took 2 steps and a like came loose and it fell to the floor i could not believe it , can you help me ? i know you stand behind your products but something needs to be changed on these i see others have had the same problem with it ,thank you jay
Contact Jay @ JayKingCares website. They have been helpful for me in the past. If you know the material (turquoise, opal, coral etc) include that info when you contact them.
Conversation Info
Posted in Jewelry
2 Replies
02.07.20 9:59 PM
2 Participants