HSN selling real coral?? Why?
Maybe someone can make me feel better about this? I’ve been a customer for many years. Just watched a presentation of coral by JK NY. Do they not know what is going on with the coral reefs? It’s like watching an ivory presentation, ugh. How can they sell this?!?!
write to jay at jaykingcares ( ) and he can explain what the source is- usually his coral is older – as in harvested long ago
he is always talking about a protection act on coral- if u watch the videos on hsn of him presenting coral he usually explains about it -
There is protected coral, which is can not be removed from the water (or sold) and HSN does not sell any of that type.
There is also farmed sponge coral, which is grown for harvesting and is used in jewelry. This is what HSN and other retailers sell. It does not affect the coral reefs and is not harming the environment.
Hope that helps ease your mind.
Wow I didn’t even know of an issue but I am going to google it. I love coral but do not want to purchase if it is hurting our environment! thank-you for the info
Conversation Info
Posted in Jewelry
4 Replies
07.11.19 11:43 PM
4 Participants