Collectible Necklaces Broken After Years of TLC
Jay King & Heidi Daus
Purchased a Sterling Silver Turquoise Necklace & Large Elephant Necklace many years ago and kept them in my special door hanging mirrored jewelry storage only for them to fall apart when I went to wear them. How does something just hanging gently on a hook fall apart? Neither were cheap; even back then! I gave Tender Lover Care for so many years to pieces of junk! They were supposed to outlive me!
There is a Heidi Days thread which will give you the information on how to reach her. Heidi.as well as Jay King stand behind their jewelry line. You can reach Jay king by contacting his web site @ desertrose.com.
By hanging them up, gravity puts stress on the chain or stringing material. Other than fine chains, necklaces are better stored flat. in a jewelry box or even flat in drawer. If you love the necklaces, please find someone to re-string them for you so you can enjoy them for many more years. Maybe check with Jay King and Heidi Daus companies and see if they can repair them for you. So sorry this happened to you.
Conversation Info
Posted in Jewelry
3 Replies
07.22.22 8:24 AM
3 Participants