wonder what you did before the internet
just reading all the nothing comments so and so is rude and its rude to comment on someone being rude and oh my god its a shopping network! keep your opinions to yourself. why we have to endure remarks on the air over what so and so thinks on facebook is such an imposition to the host the vendor and us watching who don’t care at least not on air. it takes time from the whole point of the program and that is selling stuff and us buying. do you not buy a brand at macys due to the designer being rude? of course not because we don’t watch them on tv and by the way that whole business is competitive and hard and who wouldn’t get grouchy or short. give people a break. were only human. and its qvc calling the shots not hsn. so all your negative remarks could hurt someone for real. so remember that and realize how hard these people work and d.g has been around and worked hard shes not an internet sensation she did it the hard way. I don’t like all this that’s happening via internet, it makes the u.s look bad. its destroying some business and nobody cares so long as they save a few bucks. well people mean more than that so shop hsn but go shop local too before you cant.
Conversation Info
Posted in HSN TV
1 Replies
03.08.20 6:49 AM
1 Participants