Tina & ty show
Please take those 2 off the air. They are very añnoying! When they are on I change the channel. Tina’s voice is like chalk on a blackboard. Spare us Tys dancing. Losing sales with that duo . This is supposed to a shopping channel not a side show.
They have tried to make the “morning” show like a Kellly & Mark show, or others along that line, it’s not. They used to have a couple of hosts doing a morning show (years ago) but it wasn’t accessorized with the silly games and things. I enjoy Tina, i wish her the best in success, i figured there was something up when everyone is always on vaca, usually that indicates a “change up”
What will Ty be doing? I didn’t her the announcement.
I wish Ty well in his new show line ups. I hope Tina is successful in the mornings. It never hurts to have new blood. I wish them both well.
I don’t like Tina at all, I was glad when she left Beauty Report, but now she ruined HSN mornings.
Uh, do you mean nails on a blackboard?
What is the purpose of having 2 hosts on the same show? QVC also does this. One host, plus the product’s vendor is all that’s necessary. It cuts out all the unnecessary chatter that has nothing to do with the products! BTY, why are there 2 plush dogs on the morning show?? What did I miss??
They are Rise and Shine. Silly antics since they can’t have real dogs on air. Again, the routine was cute once. As a running routine, not so much.
I wanted to comment that I find the morning show much more watchable and enjoyable when Tina is the solo host or Ty is the the solo host. Since Ty has been on vacation, I have enjoyed watching the show because more product information is presented and less nonsense. When he hosts alone, I feel the same way. Just my observation.
I do not watch because there should be more information on the product. Once awhile back I actually liked them but there is too much going on that has nothing to do with the items on air.
I have to agree. I use to like them but not so much anymore.
i agree with these observations…. not a good pair to watch at all…. Ty is trying way to hard to sound animated, funny,happy, handsome and knowledgeable, but most of his words are just mesningless fluff… constant repetitions of comments…. and Tina (just like several other hosts) definitely does not have the appropriate,inviting
voice for this high paid job….. please give some other sales talent a
fair chance. Thank you -
Originally, I thought their act was cute. Now, I have found I turned them off. Unlike others who may follow them, I really do look at HSN for the products and not the hosts. The line up is really very uninteresting to me and that may or not be their fault. They have to sell whatever there is, I guess.
Come on they both seem like super nice people just doing their jobs! I just wish Tina would calm down and nit try so hard to be noticed. I like their upbeat attitude that’s fun in the morning!
I agree! Please take those two off the air in the mornings!!!!!!! I don’t even watch HSN in the mornings at all anymore. I don’t know……. The chemistry is just not right……….Ty seems very fake at times.
I agree about Tina’s voice. Can’t watch her. Not a fan of their show. Wish they had beauty during that time slot.
Conversation Info
Posted in HSN TV
16 Replies
12.11.23 2:03 PM
12 Participants