Questionable HSN mgmt decisions sending crew on trips
Everyone can understand tightening budget in these times. But letting 27 yr, very popular veteran, Shannon Smith, go was a big mistake.
Equity should primarily involve letting those go who have less tenure.
Then to add insult to injury HSN management believes sending a crew & host to locations like Curtis Stone’s ranch or Guliana Rancic’s home for segments is a good idea budget-wise? If the budget is that tight there should not be any remote segments anywhere. The number of models should be reduced. There should be no new set designs. The number of people operating cameras should be reduced.
But more importantly perhaps it’s management staff that needs trimming. The logic of dumping a very popular host that’s been with HSN for 27, while keeping newly hired hosts is not only questionable, it’s not ethical or equitable.
Shannon Smith being popular is a matter of opinion. And you don’t know what goes on behind the scenes maybe she is a nightmare to work with.
I am interested in how people think companies with on air talent make decisions on letting someone go.
They look at sales of same items at similar times of day compared to others selling the same item. They look at any correspondence they get to see if there is a trend, they look at audience numbers. How they are on air, meaning are they prepared, seem uninterested etc…
You can bet Shannon was not doing well and looking across the internet at sites with remarks I see more just as happy she is gone as not. Being totally honest at some point when there was something I was interested in so put on HSN, after a short time I had to change the channel when she was on. Just my opinion.As for doing it at remote locations, I have to say I like it sometimes.
I’m glad the remote works & I can change the channel when the visits to the vendor home’s/ranch is on. They don’t seem very comfortable with the whole thing.
Oh, here is an article about the 4 hosts who are leaving. ********** I have noticed the frantic fashion shows with many models walking around the stage, in and out of camera shot, and I find it strange. It is good that HSN makes some changes but it is difficult to really see the clothing if the cameras are not showing it up close. HSN stopped showing the rear side of pants during the pandemic. Or they have the models in a topper that covers most of the shirt and the pants. I can’t tell how the back side looks so I pass. Or I can’t tell how the front of a blouse looks with it covered in a jacket or cardigan, so I pass. We have this choice to just pass, or watch something else. But if 4 hosts are now gone, maybe the hosts who are staying have good reason to push sales and act frantic on stage. QVC is also doing the frantic stuff with two hosts and the product employee. I guess this is trying to find new audience, younger.
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I have to disagree with the individuals that thought Shannon Smith was such a great host! To me she was one of the worst along with the last 6 or 7 of the newest hosts, all very unprofessional! Next cut I hope they take a good hard look at all of the show hosts because I don’t think most of them along with a few of the new models even qualify to be working in television! HSN has certainly gone down hill and it seems more like a circus at times!! What the heck is going on! Where are the new products?? Always the same products over and over and over again! Very disappointing!!
Shannon was one of the best hosts. She always had a great attitude and seemed to enjoy presenting.
it seems like it was a very unwise business decision.
I believe in Hsn studio the cameras are robotic.
It is quit a shame they let Shannon go.She was the best they have, not to mention all the dedication she gave to HSN as well as the customers.I will miss her.They don’t have anyone as happy and sweet as her!Woman doesn’t have a bad bone in her body,I truly admired her!
And, yes I’m angry like lots of other customers!-
what?!! they let shannon smith go? after 27 years? BIG MISTAKE!! shannon smith was hsns number one host. shannon knew how to present the itims she knew how to get them to sell out. shannon presented every item extremely professionally and she brought in the sales and revenue. now’ without shannon smith at hsn” hsn is going to sink and suffer quicker then a sinking submarine.
Conversation Info
Posted in HSN TV
10 Replies
05.17.23 4:02 PM
10 Participants