Lynn Murphy
Once my favorite host, could not even watch gold show. She seems totally out of it! Not her usual fluent self. Very concerning. Can someone check on her?
I find her low voice hard to listen to.
I have noticed… I am pretty sure she has a drinking problem. Its written all over her face. Hate to be harsh, but maybe she needs to know people notice.
Is Lynn still married? There is no type of wedding band to be seen….wonder if it just didn’t work out?
I think she’s still married because sometimes she makes references to her wedding day or her wedding dress. I don’t think she’d be doing that if she were divorced. I don’t think she’s ever worn her wedding rings on the show. She always seems to host the jewelry shows, and usually the host will wear the jewelry they are presenting. I like Lynn. I know her voice is low and throaty, but I rather hear that than the vocal fry some young women use.
Vocal Fry….never heard that expression before! I wonder if the hosts who talk like a little girl don’t really talk like that off the air? Yes, I agree, some voices are an instant “mute” for me. Not Lynn though!
“Vocal fry” is kind of hard to explain. Kim Kardashian uses vocal fry. Some actresses like Christina Ricci and Reese Witherspoon use vocal fry. It’s like a raspy voice that tapers off. You just want to clear your own throat when you hear that. I had never heard of that expression until Howard Stern talked about it on his show.
Wow! Another gossip thread, this one about Lynn Murphy. Way, way, way too much time on your hands. There are so many constructive things the gossipers can do……….volunteer with the elderly, with school children who need help with homework, etc. Is she ???? That’s rude.
If you object to this “gossip”, then what are YOU doing here??? Did it ever occur to you that we like Lynn and are concerned about her? Of course not. You just throw ridiculous assumptions about people you don’t even know. Oh, how do you know about whether we volunteer if you don’t know us??? What’s rude???? Your post, that’s what is rude.
Conversation Info
Posted in HSN TV
9 Replies
10.13.22 2:40 AM
6 Participants