HSN sends the wrong item, and emails about it!?!
So far, I have received two separate emails from HSN stating they know they sent the wrong item. Well, the right item but wrong color.
Now, in order to “fix” this, I will have to call them and get a return label (no charge), and then take time out of my day to take it to mail or UPS. THEN they will send the correct item.
Uh NO. JUST NO. Send the correct item now, and I will send the wrong one back, or tell you I want to keep it and you can charge me again.
Yes, I am posting to Customer Service as well. This is, as I said, the second time in as many months that this has happened. Your Quality Assurance needs major help.
Agree they should sent the correct item and not have you wait. What if you needed the item for something. It’s also fair for HSN to ask for the incorrect item to be returned since mistakes do happen. Not sure if it’s USPS or UPS but you can arrange a home pick up, unless you are out of some range they offer the service within. Hope the new item arrives soon and you like it after all of this.
Stopped ordering clothes online due to misleading information, getting returns, and the cost to return the item(s) just wasn’t worth it. -
They are sending the correct item. I have no idea if I’m expected to send the wrong one back if I don’t like it. I plan on it anyway.
Actually they should correct their mistake, send the correct item and color. Advise you to keep the one they mailed in error. That’s what real customer service is.
Yep. That is what they used to do. To KNOW they messed up and email about it (I still have not received the item) is weird. They should say, “We messed up and your correct item is on its way”.
Conversation Info
Posted in HSN TV
5 Replies
03.28.22 4:24 AM
3 Participants