HSN NOT practicing social distance at all
I live in Broward County which has the highest rate of people positve for covid-19, and the HSN studio location area is very low, HOWEVER, they are NOT promoting the social distancing that all the world should be following, have you watched any of the shows this week?? It’s almost the complete opposite of what the Q is doing. Just because you live in a lower stat area does not mean you are immune and all the guests that come in . . wth is going on. We must all do this or we will NEVER recover and I am scared to death of this situation. The hosts and vendors are all up in each others grill. Follow the rules HSN
I have relatives in the UK, unfortunately, some citizens there were not taking it seriously, and now they have had in just one day hundreds of deaths, and a 12 year old girl, without any preexisting conditions is fighting for her life.
You have to wonder if it’s stupidity, arrogance or both. I think more than anything it’s the potential loss of wages that makes them want to deny the severity of the virus. I thought they were not being serious enough weeks ago, especially on the food shows.
@babs1966 Sorry to disagree with you but I live in the State of Washington and we are the hardest hit area with confirmed COVID-19 cases of positive viruses and the highest rate of deaths. On another note, I posted on the QVC board the same thing you did, that HSN is NOT practicing social distancing like QVC is. The hosts are standing right next to the vendors. Starting tomorrow QVC will no longer have vendors in the studio until this is over, only the hosts. Since both companies are owned by the same company I’m surprised they are following QVC in social distancing themselves.
I agree that HSN is not following the distancing request. It’s as if the hosts are afraid they won’t be seen on camera. Then to top everything; they run this announcement form the CDC asking people to follow the guidelines. Looking at Lynn is disgusting. She’s leaning all over the presentation table, touching the Bose, leaning in laughing all over the machine that Leah Little is attempting to demonstrate. She (Leah) steps back and Lynn reacts as if she is trying to jump across the stand. I must say that Alice kept her distance and I applaud her for her professionalism. People, we see you and know you are there. Please set an example, and show you care.
I agree! I, too, live in Florida, the northern part, but my children live in S Florida. We are following the protocol , stay home , so we sit in the sun, take Andrew’s Vitamins, so we can get through this. Our Church services were cancelled so we watched on TV. Our Beaches and Restaurants are closed. We are all in this together. Don’t want out favorite HSN Hosts and Hostesses getting this awful virus! PUHLEEZE!!!!
Noticed that and commented on the lived feed. Someone from HSN posted a thank you for the reminder…and then it got worse. Very odd.
I’m watching now and shannon smith is distance. shes at counter to the right and curtis stone to the left.
I was watching Bobbie and Curtis Stone last night and they were behaving as if nothing had changed in the world. Amazing, how some States seem to be pretending this away. Shopping channels behaving like those sandals are really going to get a lot of wear this summer. To each his own…take care everyone. Pay attention and use wisdom even if the powers that be are not.
Conversation Info
Posted in HSN TV
9 Replies
03.23.20 5:10 PM
9 Participants