Okay, I don’t want to be rude but… Does anyone else fine Natasha Lloyd annoying? She’s quite pretty and the camera loves her but she just seems so insincere, no matter what product is on. I would much rather have a host that’s bubbly and happy than cold and aloof. Does she come across that way to anyone else?
At first I thought that, too. After watching her for a while, I concluded that I don’t think she is insincere. She is who she is and I admire her for not being a cookie cutter presenter. To be honest, the hosts that come off bubbly also come off as hard sell and turn me off. In my opinion, the only host I can really tolerate is Cally.
You’re right, there is a fine line between perky and used car sales! ;) Callie is awesome! I like Guy, too, he’s quirky, but very genuine.
I agree with you. Very insincere. She tries too hard to be cutesy. Her “get out of town” drives me crazy. Callie is by far the best host they have.
While I “LIKE” all the hostesses, as far as I know them, which I DONT, they all seem like lovely people. That said, I do not really relate to 90% of them. Callie seems like a lovely person too, but I find her to be a nervous nellie, correcting product specs often, sometimes incorrect info.
With ALL that said: i find the current mix of hosts and hostesses…… odd and unpredictable.
I feel like an experiment is being done to us shoppers and WE are paying the price. I would explain more, but I wont. I’m sure it will all work out one way or another.
Conversation Info
Posted in HSN TV
5 Replies
08.18.24 10:36 PM
4 Participants