Host Sarah
Absolutely love HSN ! However, absolutely couldn’t take Sarah’s takeover of the show last night with Guliana. Even the models got slighted as she danced in front of them like they weren’t even there . It was hard to watch as she tried to be the center of attention. None of the questions got answered (that I had) because Guliana never had time to really describe or talk about certain items for fear of being interrupted. I hope someone corrects this. Everyone I know watching turned it off. It was the same with Nakery beauty the night before that. I had so many questions about the bronzer, like is it waterproof, does it transfer, etc. never got addressed or answered. The host Sarah was too busy show off her legs. Terrible. Please bring Caley on for these shows, or someone with experience. I’m writing this for a bunch of us. Thank you.
I do not care for this host as well. She was hosting the Ninja oven over the weekend and was so disrespecting the cook who produced beautiful food and was not allowed to present it as Sarah who acted like she never ate before just swooped in and started carving meat the wrong way and not letting any of the proteins rest before destroying them with her non carving skills. The cook also made a beautiful taco puffed pastry ring and Sarah used her hands to just rip it apart like a toddler. Sorry but you have to respect the food and preparation with grace.
Conversation Info
Posted in HSN TV
2 Replies
02.27.23 5:40 PM
2 Participants