Guy yovan
Please ask Guy to find an optometrist to fit him with glasses that will stay up on his face! It is so annoying that he is obsessed with pushing his glasses onto his nose every minute! Drives me crazy. !art week he was going nuts eating prime rib with food juices all over his hands and had food dripping off his glasses. GROSS
I can’t believe someone took the time to come on to complain about Guys glasses. He’s an excellent host, always well groomed and maybe he likes his glasses and if he has to move them so what? The things that annoy ppl astounds me. Personally I’ve never watched guy present foods improperly or grossly he does an excellent job! Must have too much time and nit other things to worry about!
Conversation Info
Posted in HSN TV
2 Replies
03.26.23 12:13 PM
2 Participants