Amy plastic surgery
Omg. I used to love her as host since her plastic surgery I cannot even watch her shows. Looks like one of those Korean dolls. Nit in a good way. Ugh
Was Amy wearing a wig on beauty report last night! It doesn’t look like her hair at all but I love it!!!
In the opinion of this 74 yr old lady, I too do not like seeing her after her face lift. She was a natural beauty soft looking. Now, to me she is hard appearing, and from the face lift her nose appears wider. For a while she used dark brown makeup down center of her nose in an attempt to make it seem narrower. My mind goes to the emotional aspect of it. I read she is a breast cancer survivor, so perhaps that caused her to have a “live for today” attitude. My concern is due to the skin continuing to sag no matter what skin care we use, how soon will she feel compelled to do it again, and then have a harder appearance. I think every person who is diagnosed with cancer should go to counseling, as it has devastating effects emotionally as well as phycically. Just my opinion.
Nothing hypocritical about hosts promoting skin care products even if they have had procedures done. One does not go through the pain ( both physical and financial ) and then not follow through with excellent skin care.
While everyone is certainly entitled to voice their opinions, cruelty, name calling and the obsessively excessive need to just be just plain mean is just disgustingly sickening.-
Well said, LIZZI💗
You must me at least 70 years old. old lady mentality that one should only say “nice” things.
Boring. This is a publc forum. These are public people. If you are offended by free speech then internet forums are not a good place for you. You should go knit a sweater. -
Well gokaps,
sorry you seem to have gotten it wrong as I am not 70 years old. In fact I am not even close and I have never knitted. You on the other hand, may be a lot older than I, as you seem to know what Joan Rivers looked like at 30. That was like a really long time ago.
None the less, your idea of decency as being ” boring” says all one needs to know of your character .
She looks alot like Joan Rivers at this point. tight face. The difference is Joan needed
plastic surgery . She looked like a monkey at age 30 and by age 60 she looked pretty good
Amy was pretty decent looking before this, didn’t really need it. But women will be women.
And she can afford it. Just hypocritical when you have a tv job promoting beauty products as the be all and end all.
Conversation Info
Posted in HSN TV
8 Replies
2 months ago
6 Participants