You can only cancel an order on the day it is made.
I learned the hard way when I tried to cancel an order on the next morning, within 12 hours but in ANOTHER DAY. Although the computer I ordered wasn’t to be sent until fully 10 days later, somehow the wonderful system at HSN locks customers into orders they don’t want and they’ll have to return, I assume at their own expense. I don’t buy much from HSN and it will be even less in the future due to this ridiculous CUSTOMER UNFRIENDLY system.
I have shopped at HSN for over 20 years That policy has always been the same . You can cancel the day of purchase – only . That has ALWAYS been their policy.
It is the policy and the same for all customers.
Actually I’ve never had any problem with a cancellation except at HSN. Most companies are glad to try to accommodate a customer, particularly when the item isn’t actually in shipment but only being processed inhouse. Had the cancellation policy been clear, I would have done otherwise. 🙂
Actually, a computer could be set up to allow a 24-period or whatever they want. Humans set up the midnight processing time, and it could easily be changed to be more customer-friendly. And the exact time of purchase is always recorded.
There’s an FTC rule of interest here: “The FTC’s Cooling-Off Rule gives you a 3-day right to cancel a sale made at your home, workplace or dormitory, or at a seller’s temporary location, like a hotel or motel room, convention center, fairground or restaurant. It also applies when you invite a salesperson to make a presentation in your home.”
Perhaps a good attorney could say this should also apply to online purchases made from one’s home. Of course, HSN has no special incentive to do this because some customers will just accept the order even if they don’t want it. Not me, however.
Why don’t you give yourself a cooling off period and only order when you intend to purchase the item? A retailer does not owe the consumer a cancellation time period when the consumer places the order via phone, internet, mail, etc. If I place the order and change my mind, I fully expect to pay return shipping. It’s my error not the retailer’s.
The FTC rule or cooling off rule is in place to protect people from being intimidated by salespeople who are live and directly in their face. They assume that when you take out your computer or smart phone you are seeking to purchase based on your own desire. Not the same at all.
The processing is computer generated. It has no idea when you placed the order. It is geared to start at midnight. I had asked the same question when this happened to me. It’s impossible to tell the computer to wait 24 hours. It knows to start at 12 am. every morning.
This was the policy prior to new ownership. If you purchase an item just before midnight you sometimes have until 1 am to cancel, after which it goes into processing. This has happened to me and a lesson was learned. Unfortunately, the hard way.
HSN regular shoppers are aware that you have to 11:59 p.m. to cancel an order. I personally don’t find this unreasonable.
Customers are complaining about slow shipping so I think this is their way to improve the shipping experience. Many of the retailers I shop with only give 20-30 minutes to cancel an order. Just make sure you really want the item before you place the order. I don’t think their policy is unreasonable.
I believe HSN has always had a policy that an order can’t be cancelled after midnight of the day an item is ordered. That has been my experience.
That may be true, but it isn’t clearly expressed when one makes an order. =
It seems to me that allowing at least 24 hours on an order shouldn’t be a t=
errible inconvenience. Since the item I was purchasing wasn’t a daily speci=
al, I could have ordered it anytime. I don’t know of any other store where =
this would be the policy. I”m sure it’s more convenient for HSN to start ch=
arging your account immediately at midnight, but it really doesn’t give the=
customer any time to reconsider an order they might make late in the eveni=
ng. So beware of late-night orders, unless it’s after midnight!!
Conversation Info
Posted in Talk Among Yourselves
13 Replies
02.19.20 4:31 PM
6 Participants