who is your favorite host….& why?
Watching/shopping both channels since inception. Many hours spent observing their selling capabbilities, so curious which you enjoy for entertainment, which you find believable, which you find tell selling lies. lol. Obviously bored old gal alone with nothing better to do. Humor me…. & “lets give em somethin’ to talk about”
Love Guy. He is so genuine and relaxed. Always liked Lynn and used to get such a kick out of her Perlier shows with Skip! Nicole is good, too. I like Helen also. I still miss Leslie, though. In the Q, I like Pat J. and Rachel, so relaxed on camera. And, I know I’m in the minority, but I like Jane T. I think she is a thoughtful person and don’t mind at all her reminiscing about her parents, etc. I find her down to earth. I like the chemistry between her and lovely Courtney too. A couple of the Q hosts with their lifestyle advice irritated me but I just changed the channel. No need to be mean, just let your remote do the talking! Have a great day everyone!
I like Jane too!! I was wondering if I was crazy because I like hearing her talk about her family too! To me it’s what makes her human and more enjoyable to watch. I like hearing little personal tidbits here and there mixed in the presentations😊 Yes I love her and Courtney’s friendship! On the Q I also like Sandra Bennett & Amy. & sometimes I like watching Shawn for entertainment 😚… I do really like Guy also! Enjoy hearing stories about his beach cottage and his son too. He seems to get really genuinely enthusiastic about certain products!
Nicole Henkle (not sure last name) what happened to her Thursday morning show, what was it called? It’s driving me nuts!
And Debbie D and any that are themselves. Honesty is the best sales approach. It’s impossible to like every single thing you sell. Just keep it real.
Obsessed With Style!! I miss Nicole doing that show! I always looked forward to it! Debbie D is great too😚
My favorite host is Tina Jennings, She is very professional and fun,
Callie hands down.
Someone mentioned shannon as a favorite. Not to be rude, but many years ago when she was often on with wolfgang, she drove me bonkers. On air went coo coo crazy asking worrying about her “containers” so she would be able to take the food home. Became obnoxious.
Guy is my favorite. Though I do wish he could find some resolution to his voice. I’m not here to judge anybody, but I know to other “sensitive” people they get bothered (easily) by it. And it might be painful for him, who knows. I also like Ty Mayberry. I wasn’t the biggest Shannon fan but I kinda miss her now.
Bob Bowersox on QVC is the greatest host of all time IMO. He is the reason I started watching QVC at 14-15 years old. I started cooking at a young age and he was a great chef to watch and learn from. I never hear David mention him unfortunately. One day I want to call into In The Kitchen w/ David and say something about Bob. Hope hes doing good these days. -
My favorite is Callie. She seems very genuine. None of the rest of them appeal to me while they are selling things.
Callie is my very favorite. ❤
Callie is calm and pleasant to listen to. Adam is so sincere and knowledgeable. Good to see Guy in other time slots.
Valerie Stup and Sarah Andersen. Both are very smart at their job without talking to fast or too much. They know how to present the items giving you as much information as you need always staying professional even when they are having fun.
Debbie is too all over the place I don’t find her professional at all I like her, but I don’t find her helpful and informative. If she were actually funny, I wouldn’t mind but she isn’t, she not that bright. -
I enjoy watching all the HSN hosts – everyone has their opinions – enjoy all their different personalities and that’s what makes them all worth watching.
I have no favorite host as I don’t watch HSN live. When I want to purchase something, I go straight to the reviews and prefer to read them instead. When I watch a video sometimes, I notice how overstated and exaggerated the sales pitches are that I can no longer watch. Some hosts like to show their manicure and make an issue of doing so while touching the product. Can’t take that phoniness. Also, there’s a few hosts who laugh out loud with their mouths wide open. Find that very fake. I don’t like too many things about HSN and have been making purchases elsewhere.
What happened to Shannon that only worked nights I never see her anymore she always talked about her family at this time of year because she would go see them during the holidays
I still like the old timers, such as Callie, Lynn Murphy, and Adam. These much younger hosts talk way too much, and constantly interrupt the vendors.
Agree! Watching new host Wong and she’s talking so fast I have a headache along with Lori Leland vendor who talks just as fast. Slow down.
Agree, new host Wong is passionate but talks way too fast, it is hard to understand her!! Please slow down.
I think all of the hosts do a good job, I do not like when they talked too much and we are unable to watch the models and how the clothes lookfit, some do not discuss sizing of models, that is a must esp when u gauge what u order by how it fits certain models….
Debbie is the best 💋💯 she smart she keeps me laughing and the time
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Posted in Talk Among Yourselves
27 Replies
4 weeks ago
24 Participants