What Things Make You Change the Channel?
I’m a long time QVC and HSN Watcher. The following makes me change the channel, what are your Channel Turners? And usually I forget to come back to what I was watching!
1.I can be enjoying a presentation then they start with the hard sell Limited…Hurry….Now….Price Going Up…Heres the Thing, this price is going away… 5000 sold….Like I care how many are sold! Even with the first presentation at mid night they start with the Limited warnings.
2. Thirdly: Vacuum Cleaners and Mops/Cleaning products showing disgusting strange messes. I can’t press the remote fast enough, sometimes I feel sick.
3. When Food Shows are interrupted with non Food products because they have a captive audience, Like QVC David Venable ITKWD show, I hate when they distrub the flow of the show with that: e.g. The Bose Radio/CD presentation that always last 30 to 45 minutes.
One person: Helen Keaney
I’ve watched both channels for years, times have really changed these channels for sure! It’s a quick change when these 3 hosts are on, Debbie Denmon, she is too brash, Lyn Murphy, I cannot deal with her voice, gives me a headache, and Suzanne Runyan, she talks way way too much and is annoying, sorry I know there is a ton of fans these hosts but it is just my opinion. I watch less and less lately.
YAY. Glad to find out I’m not the only one annoyed by these hosts. Brash is a perfect description for Debbie D. I’m on the fence with Suzanne… sometimes I find her hilarious.. especially late at night when she gets her tang toungled up. I DO like her crafting shows a lot, and she comes across to me as just being real. Lynne M might be a sweetie, but … the voice sends me running and the obvious dry mouth/tongue thrusting. Marlo is another host who makes me turn off HSN, especially when she talks over the guest non-stop, acting like she knows more about the product than they do. No… you don’t. And don’t even get started on Colleen L and her privilege of hosting her own stuff. Something is really wrong with HSN for allowing that. OF COURSE she’s going to gush about her own junk. I fell for the hype and ordered a couple of her jewelry items… back they went due to being really inferior.
Debbie D’S voice is unbearable.
Also, “let me give you fifty bucks”,
Shirt covers her “v” (what’s that all about?)
The “girls” are hanging out….
Really rude w Marla Wynne (especially tonight)
Almost everything out of her mouth
HSN, you’re better than that!
Won’t watch her anymore
I hate when the hosts talk over the vendors. I want to hear what the vendor has to say about the product, not the host interrupting every few seconds. It drives me crazy. One in particular is very bad about this but I won’t mention her name.. She wants to be front and center, not the clothes or whatever. Just hush and let the creator of the product talk.
I get turned off by reps who are more focused on selling themselves than the product. Sad thing is so many females who share a spot with male hosts are really obnoxious. They talk over their co-hosts and are very loud and try to take the spotlight. That isn’t what these shows should be. We as customers are trying to learn more about the products, not about the hosts. QVC is horrible about this. I stopped following that network because it got on my nerves so badly. It always seems to be the females sharing the spotlight with male co-hosts. They really push it too far. HSN has a similar scenario as well. Please, everyone just take a breath and tone it down. Less is more when it comes to sales.
The word “gorgeous” makes me turn channels or mute BR’s show.
BR draws it out for ten seconds at least and uses this guttaural voice.
And there was a time that ALL the hosts were doing it to the same word.
Not everything can be gorgeous or we MUST HAVE it in our make up, fashion or shoe closet.Often, I just turn down the volume and just watch the presentation.
Oh, ya, what about every throw or blanket be the most SOFTEST ONE in the WORLD?
come on man.To all commenters on here and in REVIEWS: thank you so much for giving the “real presentation” of items.
I don’t mean to be judgmental in any way, but here is my input. Probably when hosts over emphasize on how “Amazing” a product is. all i constantly hear is “that’s the beauty in this”. also when hosts continuously talk over each other. Another thing, when selling clothing, why do the hosts explain all the places you can wear the item? like i know i can wear a shirt to my friend’s house, the beach, walking my dog, or taking a trip to mars. sometimes they make it seem like we are dumb and lazy, like telling us we wont have to take a trip to the store or we wont have to get up and walk two feet to turn off a light switch. Overall though, i love hsn.
NOTHING makes me change the channel faster than that bully Gilman. Her voice, her face, her hair and being a legend in her own mind. Cannot watch her rudeness!
nobody has mentioned the elephant in the room….Amy Morrison….I know a ton of people love her and I used to but now she is very difficult to watch…..her hair looks so over processed, way way way too much makeup she wears, her looks are very plastic and fake looking now….not natural …… and who is her stylist? Her dresses remind me of table cloths and doilies, ages her…..her motormouth does not give others to speak….she keeps going over the super dooper value instead of really what the product does….her saying for only 3 dollars and some change…never mentions it’s the flex pay price…..and lastly she must try every single product on air even if its the display only!
Omg finally finally somebody saying something about Amy Morrison. She gets on my last nerves. She’s got so much work done to her face. It’s frightening back in the day she was a pretty girl now she can’t even smile and she doesn’t . She talks so fast she thinks she’s so gorgeous. She’s so fake, can you tell I can’t stand her lol
way way way too much plastic surgery. Just my opinion. OK my rant is done.
I cant buy from hsn anymore. their not honest. they told my I have $82.00 in flex pay. my bill was close to $200.00 then they ssid I have $57. in flex pay but its still over ,$100.00 I’m doing my Christmas shopping in Walmart, or on line, maybe wayfarer. be careful with hsn, if your low income, senior citizen, receive benifits order ONE! PRODUCT and make sure that it’s at a price you can pay like $2599.just pay it. don’t get into flex pays.
The thousandth time any of the hosts say ‘That’s the beauty of it/this!!’ . Either very enthusiasticly, seriously, heartfelt, etc. You get the picture. And this catch phrase is used on EVERYTHING, including but not limited to a garden hose, a can opener, a door stop and of course things that are about beauty. I know HSN does. Not to sure about QVC. . That is a big ‘time to change the channel’ moment(s)
And why do so many of them say “look it”??? What are they – 5? I’ve heard at least three hosts – Colleen, Susanne R, and Bobbie Ray. Do they teach them to say that to appeal to us ‘simple folk’?
Hi Lovasz ~ loved your take on “selling a dress” that’s great, made me giggle out loud, and it’s so true
Keep smiling brighter days ahead ~ -
I forgot one, when they are selling a dress and instead of saying it is an every occasion dress they say you can wear it to church, to a wedding, would be great on a cruise, you can wear it to work, to the doctor, in the desert, skydiving, traveling in space, it can also serve as a cover at the nude beach etc etc etc.
That is hilarious!!
Oh Gosh. Got my giggle for the day too. Thanks.
Don’t forget, they want you to buy one in every color… or get Black, White AND a print. Dang. -
Oh my gosh, thanks for the laugh!
I am surprised at the amount of viewing people watch. I only watch the craft shows, and they are always way too rushed and too much talking over vendors. I probably watch 20 minutes of HSN every two weeks. I come on here to see what people are saying about products. I think for some people HSN is like a mini series, and QVC a soap opera.
I think there might be others like me who just keep it running in the background while doing other things around the house ( yes, retired). If something interesting comes on I might stop and watch part of the presentation. I like to watch Jay King for his stories and I’m a bit of a rockhound too.. but he spends soooo much time complaining about the prices and how hard it is to find his materials blah blah blah. I have some beautiful pieces but so much of it is so bulky and heavy that they’re a no-go. . I DO like the information we get from Andrew Lessman, and I use a lot of his products, AND last year discovered SKINN, which works well for me. Never would have found these products without the shows playing in the background. That said, certain hosts /products definitely make me hit the OFF button.
I can’t watch when the woman who sells dash products, and Marlo are selling candy. They take it and squeeze it in their fingers, and pull it apart. Why not use a fork, or another utensil to show freshness. Then Marlo is always eating, and talking. Not just a bite, but eat,eat,chew, chew…talk, talk, talk. Yuck, it gags me. I can’t watch Marlo S. on any cooking segment. She never quits eating, and talking with her mouth full. Worse than Shannon S., and that is saying something.
Not on HSN or QVC. Sorry, but this is kinda off main topic. Another MEDICARE Ins plan ad. They make me want to scream. I think Joe Namath has been broadcasted more in the last couple months, than he ever was when he played football.
Conversation Info
Posted in Talk Among Yourselves
72 Replies
06.16.24 2:30 AM
46 Participants