my wolfgang puck air shilped out on tuesdsy june 11 from fontana California and always then travels to las Vegas then down here to the east cost new york. but for some strange reason, my wolfgang air fryer traveled from fontana California all the way across the country to hogken I’LL cooked county. when i called ups the wemen told me it’s being deliverd today and i asked her how? it’s all the way across the country in Chicago i’ll. ups claim they dont know how this happend. hsn has june 20th so it was early which was nice. it will probably get here Monday or Tuesday. has this happend to anyone else?
posh52 you said it perectly you got every bit right. i just got off the phone with ups, i got just as you put it ” no ware. hsn ” the rep said her hands are tied so i gus it is what it is. thank you for posting posh,
Yes, I have a package from Evine that finally made it to my town and then continued to another city. Eventually the tracking information said it was dropped off at the wrong post office and it will eventually get here. I am so sick of UPS handing things off to the post office and ending up in never never land. Sometimes I get the package….sometimes I don’t. It’s beyond annoying and no one can give you an answer. They blame each other.
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Posted in Talk Among Yourselves
3 Replies
06.14.19 2:05 AM
2 Participants