Synchrony Bank
I tried to log in and make my payment which was due today. I now have to try to locate my HSN card and evidently set up a new account? Also, I got an email from Credit Karma today saying that my HSN Account had been closed by Synchrony Bank. It’s in good standing so I have no idea why they would have done this. Bad decision on HSN’s part.
You can call customer service for the phone number of Synchrony Bank. If you don’t have your old HSN card number, or new Synchrony Bank number, they will use your SS# to get your account. I think you can make a payment over the phone. Hope this helps.
I haven’t gotten my first Synchrony HSN bill yet. We will still get paper bills right? I never pay mine online.
I’m getting paper bills, and everything is smooth.
Don’t understand how so many are having troubles.
My new #s are already automatically in my acct. before the cards arrived.
Just have to set up my new payment through the bank.Very simple.
How do I pay my bill on line?
Scroll to the bottom of the page and click on ‘Pay my bill’, it’ll take you to the bank’s site and just set up a new account…like you did originally. But you’ll need you HSN account number, I had to hunt for my card to get it. I could set my ‘new’ account up just like the old one. I haven’t had any problems but then I have other Synchrony accounts so they might have recognized my e-mail. Good luck
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Posted in Talk Among Yourselves
6 Replies
09.13.19 1:30 PM
6 Participants