SERIOUSLY the shipping is a HUGE turn off
I was about to hit buy on my bag with 13 items and then I noticed $45 shipping.
AND if the items don’t work, $6.50 a product to return?
$80+ RETURN shipping as well?
Sadly ….. you have prohibited my purchase ;
I swear HIDE THE SHIPPING COSTS and allow us to return for free…. I am positive EVERYONE would buy more with “free shipping” ….. hide it or lose us.
PS. I am super annoyed you are transferring my HSN card to another bank
I have also stopped buying multiple items due to excessive S/H charges. Items on clearance with lower pricing have high S/H charges..why? This is getting out of hand.
Shipping is way too high especially when my State also adds on tax for S&H. If I remember correctly, HSN did not charge on the return when the item was damaged. The return shipping was given back to you as spendable “kash.” I have since brought my purchases down to a minimum. Love Jay King and Heidi Daus, but when shipping isn’t free, pick one item instead of six or seven per vendor.
I agree the shipping charges are a huge turn off. I too have put several things in my cart then deleted when hit with a $40-45 charge.
I agree with you that the shipping charges have a chilling effect on purchases. The return shipping per item is:
5 lbs or less $7.95
$9.95 for more than 5 lbsYour original shipping is refunded.
Scroll down to the bottom of this page and click on “Our Policies Returns & Exchanges” for the details.
You might want to post your original message on the Customer Service thread and hope that someone at HSN will notice and respond.
Conversation Info
Posted in Talk Among Yourselves
5 Replies
08.16.19 3:52 PM
5 Participants