Sarah Anderson
last night Sara Anderson made a statement that felt like a kick in the guts. she was hosting warm and cozy with Ellen when she had the nerve to state $29.99 for two throw over , bed blanket, free shipping and five flex pays shouldn’t be should never be a mistake and will never happen again, there should be shipping. it felt like what she was actually saying, HSN customers don’t deserve the low price, free shipping, and five flex pays “. we’re worth buying your items but not the the other three!. if we,” HSN customers didn’t exist, there wouldn’t be HSN. we’re buying there merchandise, putting a roof over there head, food on there table, and a bed to sleep in with a PAY CHECK and Sarah Anderson had the audacity to make that statement” I hope some customers will turn there channel when she’s hosting. she needs needs to make an apology to every customer she offended. Sarah Anderson shouldn’t be working at HSN after making that statement.
im offended by the number of mistakes you made writing your opinion.
Sara Anderson is simply lovely. Well spoken, adorable. Super attractive with a beautiful figure. I love the intro for What a Girl Wants. If you have nothing nice to say then don’t say anything at all. The woman is a former Rockette. Can you say that? You are just jealous.
During one of Sara’s shows a couple of weeks ago she said she had no idea when the groundhog is woken up to look for his shadow. Seriously? I thought everyone knew that. My husband now thinks she is not very bright.
I don’t totally dislike her, but she is way too full of herself, dancing around in that silly what a girl wants promo. I can’t even watch it anymore it is so corny. -
I am the odd person out as I really enjoy Sarah. I just think she was stressing it was a great deal and of course she wants you to buy it, that’s her job!! I also like Suzanne, Marla, Nicole Hickl, Helen and Valerie Stuup. Coleen was great too but now she only promotes her own things so miss seeing her. Debbie D is okay but she is a little too much for me with the Texas thang and her home girls.
Sarah has always been a little strange to me. One time I heard her say that since this jewelry was all silver it didn’t tarnish…errr….huh? Then she referred to the Beekman boys as brothers. And it was clear that with LocknLock or any plastic ware you shouldn’t cook in them. The directions say this. The first thing Sara said is you can cook with these. This is just one of the few times I’ve seen her.
she is homely and dimly lit. her hygiene and skin looks bad, she’s disgusting
I am thinking that she was just trying to point out what a good deal it was. I am almost positive that none of the HSN hosts seek to offend anyone. It was just a sales pitch and she is there to sell. (I can only imagine the pressure that is on these hosts to make the sale. She is just doing her job). I agree with hol44, in that, I think Sarah is really a sweet lady.
Don’t take this personally. It is just a sales technique. It isn’t meant towards you or your life or your finances.
Life is happier when we don’t take offense by a heavy sales pitch.
Alyce is the one I can’t take with her glamorous lifestyle and her boat and the condo in Colorado. When she is selling vacuum cleaners it’s so obvious that she has hired help to do “that” kind of work. I lol when she is selling drain cleaner as though she is ever the person at her house dealing with such menial tasks. I like the hosts that are believable that they would ever personally use these products.
alyce- I think she’s been fired. I have met her in person. she duz not own the boat she posts and her older bf will not marry her.lmfao
I think she does a good job and only stated some reasons this item would be a good deal. I took no offense.
However, language snob that I am, perhaps it would help to use the correct spellings of they’re, their, there. as in “buying Their merchandise”, “putting a roof over their head”, ” food on their table”. “Turning Their channel.” THERE means… Over There. Thanks for using correct words.
And yes, I frequently turn to another channel when certain hosts are on. Specifically, Marlo – the host who never shuts up, and Alice – the grim host who never smiles and orders us to buy something NOW! Callie is elegant, Adam is intense but sweet, , Suzanne talks too fast but has a lot of energy.
Andrew Lessman has wonderful products I purchase regularly but he seems so tired all the time. And monotone. Like a college professor with loads of information but drones on and on. and on. and on. ( Yes, I know he’s not a host. Surprised he’s still with HSN since most of the really good vendors have moved on. And Dimitri with Skinn… he’s passionate for sure, but don’t expect him to linger much longer at HSN. OK. I’m done. lol-
Loved your comments. You ae right about Lessman.
Yeah i think she was just meaning that its a crazy good deal and you would never imagine such a deal AND then free shipping on top of it…. I don’t think she meant it the way it came out. She seems very sweet so I don’t think she was ever purposely try to offend. Like it was said, I think she was just stressing just how BIG a bargain she considered it😉
I heard several of them make similar comments today during all these “sales”. I think they’re just stressing that the low prices and then no shipping are rare.
Sarah is not a good host. She doesn’t think before she speaks, and if she does, she usually misspeaks or just puts her foot in her large mouth. I mute her shows.
I don’t care for her myself, but I did not hear this particular presentation. So many of them have made comments that have been offensive to me, but it’s all part of their game. Don’t get upset or caught up in it. It is not worth it.
Conversation Info
Posted in Talk Among Yourselves
17 Replies
11.05.24 1:41 PM
15 Participants