Sarah Anderson/Jay King
Maybe it’s me …. but this pairing of precious Jay King with Sarah Anderson is a disgrace. She is ruining his show. I always enjoy watching Jay, I buy too much! I love his stories & passion, like the majority of his followers. She is NOT familiar with his merchandise & talks to the audience like we’re idiots. This is a 3 hour show & I won’t be able to watch it because of her. HSN has really put the screws to Jay with this pairing. So unfair to him!
The coordinators should be ashamed.
She is fake, uninformed & impossible to watch. I’m sure she is very good at something behind the screen.
Couldn’t agree more, it was painful to watch Sarah with Jay.
He is the most entertaining and informative of all vendors, it is so nice to be able to tell the story of the beautiful Jay King jewelry you’re wearing when someone compliments it.
She was horrible with him !!!
I’m sure though HSN doesn’t really care anymore, what with the lesser quality, tacky other products they are now selling,
So sad to slowly watch the once amazing shopping experience just become,
well tacky. -
I like Sarah. Really I honestly do. Sorry gals – I think she’s okay.
The thing that I have noticed with Sarah is that, when someone calls, she ALWAYS welcomes them, then introduces HERSELF FIRST and the guest vendor second. It speaks volumes to me.
She definitely has changed from her days on Evine.
Different strokes for different folks….I like Sarah. I find her to be very pleasant.
Honestly, it was Robin I couldn’t watch.
Like Pink Doll says, “different strokes for different folks.”
Every few months or so someone starts complaining on these boards about a host and the truth of it is that people do or do not like each of the hosts.
We will all have our personal pet peeves and someone is sure to trigger them.I thought Sara did great w/ Jay. She researched things and did not talk over him rudely like some of the others do. Not everyone is a seasoned Jay King fan, they have thousands of new viewers every day.
Connie used to lie about prices and tell the stories and facts she learned from Jay rather than letting him talk. I felt like she would talk to us like we are idiots, especially when she lied about pricing.
I like Helen w/ Jay but she does not research and it shows… like when she went on about HSN not selling Chrome Diaopside necklaces when Collen Lopez has brought in a few times. She will tell her opinion as if it is fact.
I loved Robin with or without Jay. She had a sparkle and natural joy that I will miss.
Bobbie was terrific today with Jay, She does not have all the gem knowledge but she had researched things and is such a pro no matter wheat she is selling.
Robin is very nice, but she was a little loud and had interruptitis. Sarah is probably very nice too, but if you watch her, she always requires center stage.
She does this to ALL guest presenters, not just Jay. She is a self-serving, monopolizing individual who needs to take a class in etiquette.
I agree with most of your assessment. Unfortunately, with Connie and Robin gone, there are fewer pairings available.
And they got rid of Connie. I could watch [and buy] Jay and the ‘Conster’ all day. That was a good paring. Really miss Connie.
I agree with most of your assessment. Unfortunately, Connie and Robin are gone so there are fewer pairing options.
Conversation Info
Posted in Talk Among Yourselves
11 Replies
07.23.19 12:09 AM
9 Participants