QVC closing their forums
QVC has officially announced that they are closing their forums and are directly people to their four OFFICIAL facebook groups. Wondering if we can come over and continue some of the forum topics from QVC here at HSN. hope to see some of you around. 🙂
I just saw this on their community page, I haven’t been able to log into their forum all day!
We understand how much you value this space as a place to make meaningful connections and share what’s on your mind. So, as we continue to build out our community experience—both onsite and on other platforms—we’re keeping our Blogs & Forums live. Now, stay tuned. We will be reaching out through our Blogs & Forums to learn how we can continue to grow, shape, and evolve the future of our communities at QVC with you.
Wow…….I enjoy the vibe here. Not on facebook – – and it’s been a minute since I’ve actually posted over there (Q).
Just wow….
QVC tecs have still not fixed the sign in issue. It has been weeks that I have not been able to sign in the forums. They know and said they are working on it but it is taking them forever.
I’ve been unable to sign in to QVC and wonder if the forums are gone for good….?
No, they’re going to stay “into 2022.” Poster pearley heard from the Social Team that when they were going to shut down they cancelled the contract with the outside agency that helped manage them. Now QVC is working to resolve the login issue.
I have not been able to log into QVC’s forums for days. I’ve seen comments that their IT is working on it. But it’s been forever, maybe they are shutting down.
QVC is no longer shutting their forum down. Enough people complained.
I don’t understand why they wanted to close the board in the first place.
Hi Everyone from the QVC board.
I was hatetoiron overthere. -
Hi All! I have no idea what my name is here but I’m That’s Me on qvc.
Ha! I’m replying to myself
Anyone know if it’s possible to change your name? I’d rather be the same in both places
That’s me, KitchenGadgetLvr
I have never been on FB nor do I want to be so having QVC posters here will be great! More activity here the better. I haven’t posted in a long time. Welcome.
Did they say why they were shutting them down? I’ve only read them on rare occasions when I was looking for product information.
I am late to the party, just read last night that QVC is closing forums. Although I’m not a big poster I do read the forums and happy to see so many names I know!
Hi , I was ClassySassyGal on QVC forum . I didn’t post a whole lot over there . I will NOT be following then to FB.
I’m emigrating to this community now that QVC will be shutting down and I won’t be joining any “social media” sites that have been suggested. Looking forward to checking in here. I think my name will stay the same kaydee50.
Just wanted to say hello ………. Tink
Hello everyone; I made it! Good to see some familiar names.
Conversation Info
Posted in Talk Among Yourselves
57 Replies
11.12.21 9:47 PM
39 Participants