Prayers Please
This is a thread for all those who are ill and have love ones who are ill.
There are so many people in our Community who need prayers. Just post how
how a prayer is needed many in the Community are very kind people.
You all have my prayers.
I second Oodiebom concerns we all hope you are safe and far from the Fires.
I hope you see this. 🙂
@ladiebiker and of us that need prayers. I am praying and hoping for the best.
Sheba Thank You!!!
Pipman, hoping and praying that you are OK. The fires in Los Angeles are frightening and devastating. Please let us know how you are.
I hope you see this. I know you have been in the hospital I am just wishing you
a healthy recovery. 🙂 Prayers going out to you. Please take care of yourself. I know
you are a nurse and will be up soon. Sending hugs to you and your family.-
Awww . Thank you Sheba . I miss and think about you and several other members often .
I will return to the Friday night fun soon . Huggsssssssss!!
For all who need a prayer.
Sami we are all praying for you.
To samslilangel. You are missed and we are reaching out to you to let you know. We understand that getting through a day or even a week can be difficult. But with friends on-line and those at home, we can help. Please take care of yourself.
@oodiebom to Samiangel we all miss you.
4 all who just need a hug.
This is from OZ!
Sheba, here’s hoping that your sister is feeling better and I pray that she will not need any more surgeries. Hopefully, as each day passes she is feeling stronger in mind, body and spirit. Take care of yourself and may you see more rainbows rather than rain and tornadoes.
Thank you for your kind post. My sister is alright for now. Breast Cancer is not easy.
This involves your entire family. My sister has a long way to go yet.Thank you for prayers. My dad is hanging on. Dad is comfortable.
2019 thus far is not a good one for you. Sending prayers and kind thoughts to you in Oz from me in the Northeast, that August will start being the good part of 2019. Going through cancer is not easy, but with the help of good physicians, nurses, diet, exercise and the right medication everything is possible I hope your dad makes it as well. My prayers go out to him that he will be kicking up his heels in no time.
Things will get better I have a BD coming up real soon. 🙂 Oodie a lot of people have it
far worse than me. I live each day one day at a time.Thank you for your prayers my family appreciate all the prayers we can get.
Circle of life. I hope your day is wonderful I love the Northeast. 🙂
This is for you and please let us know how you are doing.
Thank you for asking about my family my dad is still here my sister is fighting.
I’m still standing.I will be praying for you.
Sheba, that’s such a great quote about always trying to
find a reason to laugh. We’ve got a lot of illness going on
In my family, too–and laughter does help (sometimes more
than the medicines they might give you.)Continued best wishes to you and your family, and I’m
glad you started this thread. It’s very comforting to a
lot of us! 🙂 JollyJelly -
I am so glad you posted feel free to post anytime. There are a lot of people fighting a battle.
This is such a necessary thread. THANK YOU for starting it. Dealing with numerous physical challenges is draining. Not just physically, but financially, emotionally, etc as well. The most difficult is that I live so far from any of my family. Yet, each day the sun still rises, the flowers are all in bloom, I’m still breathing, I have a roof over my head & food to eat. The biggest hurdle right now is getting the help needed w/common household chores. There have been 3 folks that have offered to help saying to let them know when they can come over to help. When I have called for specific help (always days in advance). Every time I get an immediate affirmative answer. There has not been a single time they’ve followed though. I’m not upset at them, yet, wonder WHY folks would continually let it be known they would lend a hand when it ‘seems’ they have no intention of doing so. Indeed, this adds additional stress. It would best not to offer help. It gets discouraging. There is a specific thing I’m able to do that gives me great joy. That is give away so much jewelry, clothing, handbags, etc. Most of which still in original boxes, clothing still with tags etc. This is something I like doing just to see the smiles on the faces of others. I appreciate you listening & would appreciate prayer.
Lady, people mean well, but when push come to shove, they maybe busy when you ask even days in advance. There are many people out there that will work two or three hours per week or more. Home health aides, homemakers, etc.. Many organizations are listed on line and can be googled. If the service is too high, you can ask if they offer something less. Your place of worship may know people who can offer the assistance you need. Your physician is another resource. I hope these suggestions help in someway.
Thanks Sheba. Been on line with computer and Kindle almost the entire day. Just Saw the thread from Sam and answered her as well. Hope she is still on line.
I am worried a little for her I just hope she is not alone. If I lost my husband suddenly I don’t
know what I would do. I wish I could help in some way. -
Sheba, what really hurt my feelings last week is when Sam said she was packing to move within 9 days. If I just lost my husband, that is one thing I would not do. This is the home we shared. This is the home where we had minor spats and would make up. This is the home where we took care of each other. His soul would be here along with his smells, his words, his comfort. I know her family is in another State and I realize she is really alone, but this decision is too fast. Sounds like her husband’s family reached out. She should take a deep breath and wait 6 months or so. Then again, whom am I to say what one should do.
Best to you, Lady4Peace, and I just wanted to say I know
exactly what you mean about people who offer help and
then don’t follow through. We’ve dealt with that a lot,
recently, and my brother was saying exactly the same
thing as you–“It’s better they don’t offer any help if
they aren’t going to give it.”It really DOES stress you out more if someone said they’d
help you with something, and then they just don’t. I don’t
know if this would help you any, but there is some service
I looked into that Kathie Lee Gifford does commercials for,
where you can hire people quickly to do household chores,
lawn care, all sorts of things. I don’t know if it’s any good
because we haven’t used it yet, but we’re really close to
trying it. Maybe you can look into something like that,
if it’s available in your area, and that could help you out. JollyJelly -
jollyjelly and lady4peace, the name of the organization that Kathie Lee Gifford advertises is called TACKL. The organization is on line at http://www.tackl.com. It is not in every state nor in many communities.. However, all you need to do is to go to their website, check one of the boxes that best suits your need and then you will be asked to enter your zip code. They give an approximate price for the job before you set it up. Sounds like a good service, but, can be quite expensive for some.
In my community in Florida, we have a bulletin board where we can attach notes asking for help in cleaning, cooking, grocery shopping, etc.. Maybe there is one where you live and you can do the same. Another place is your local supermarket. They also have a bulletin board. And for yard work, or handymen, your local Lowe’s, Home Depot, or lumberyard may have bulletin boards where people can attach their business card. And, you can check out their skills and business and have an opportunity to read some reviews on line as well
Oops, I goofed. That website is http://www.takl.com.
Lady for years we have been passing each other. I hope this day finds you well.
Do you have a pet? I asked that because I am crossing Rivers too. I am named
after my beloved dog Sheba. I miss her everyday.Perhaps if you are able to have a pet small or whatever you choose would help.
I only have my dad and step-mom in my area everyone else is not close.
Throughout the years I have heard about your travels and your generosity.
Do you remember the Heidi Daus Necklace you gave to a waitress because
she admired it? 🙂 You are very kind I hope you can spend some time with some
relatives. Please post here anytime that is what this thread is for. Lady all of us are
fighting some kind of battle. This too shall pass.Blessings. 🙂
Yes, I have a pet. She is a joy. She is also physically challenged due to age. Every day with her is cherished. I also certainly remember that Heidi piece I gave to the waitress. Yet, I do things like that all the time. One thing I’ve learned while serving overseas in so many nations is that we are ALL more alike than different. Each one of us can positively impact the lives of others. The opportunities are endless. All one needs to do is look up & “see” those around you. There are so many ways to affirm another’s dignity & worth. Smiles & caring need no translator.
Your reply meant a lot, I’m grateful. Kindest Regards …
Conversation Info
Posted in Talk Among Yourselves
127 Replies
10.31.19 1:22 AM
24 Participants