HSN there is absolutely no desire anymore to shop with you. It’s the same ole boring vendors and the same products over and over and over. Example Philosophy is a great brand, however I have never seen them on air, lame selection of products and the pricing is no different than what’s in the stores. Humor your customers and just watch QVC and view their website of Philosophy items. There are sooo many products and super size values unlike your website. Holidays are coming. Make it worth my /our time to watch and ahop HSN.
I agree. For the most part, I stopped watching. From time to time I see an interesting product, but they are few and far between. I am wondering how long HSN will be around if someone does not rethink this. The shipping costs are another issue. Shipping costs have gone up everywhere so that is not necessarily a deal breaker. I do think more about a purchase when I have to pay shipping on each item.
I do agree! yesterday they had the same clothing vendors all day and showing the same thing over and over again. As far as Philosophy QVC has overload with them and their products changed so much that I have no desire to order from them.
Conversation Info
Posted in Talk Among Yourselves
3 Replies
09.21.24 3:19 PM
3 Participants