Let's all wish Sheba a Happy Birthday
Wishing you a Happy Birthday!
🎉🎉 🎉🎉 🎉🎉 🎉🎉 🎉🎉
Thank you for all you do with the Conversation and Heidi threads!
Sorry I can’t post pictures like you do.
Hope it’s a great day! 💖
Happy Birthday, Sheba! 🙂
Blessings in Abundance.
Thank you for posting and I did have a great Birthday Weekend. 🌹✨
Thank you to all who posted to wish Sheba a Happy Birthday!
Sheba, we all love ya!
FBN- awesome picture!-
Thank you sweet friend I do appreciate your creating this thread. ✨✨🌹
I hope I make some people feel the way you are making me feel appreciated. ✨😘
HAPPY BIRTHDAY, hope your special day was truly special.
Can’t wait till next Friday to tell you. So, look at the last message I left you re iced tea
glass behind front glass. See if you see. LOL-
OMG! I did respond to you and it was hilarious the tea I would not drink. 😜
Thank you so much for the Birthday Wish. 😘✨🌹😎
So sweet to post me a note thank you it was yesterday and I am still celebrating. 😎😜
I hope you are nice and cool and it is good to see you post. 😘✨🌹
Happy Belated Birthday Sheba. Hugggggggggggggs
A BIG wave to ladiebiker!
Wishing you a great day & happy new year. Love your sayings on conversation.
My bday was Tuesday. Another Leo!-
fern, we are birthday twins! Happy Birthday to you.
Thank you so much for the BD shout out. ✨😘🌹So sweet to post I do appreciate it.
I did see your post on the Conversation Thread and I did respond.
Thank you I am glad you like some of the sayings and pics. 🌹😜
Hey Happy Birthday to you too. 🌹
Thank you so much I did not think anyone would noticed. You know me I always
plead the 5th. 😘😎😜🌹Hey this is for you as your birthday was just three days ago I hope you are still celebrating. 😎
Happy Birthday Sheba,
From one Leo gal to another….and one Heidi Daus gal to another, thanks for all you do to bring us joy, Peg in Richmond -
Hello Heidi and Leo girl Heidi Daus, Diane Gilman and G all have birthdays in
August. I hope you had a nice Birthday.Many happy returns of the day. 🌹
To all who took the time to post thank you. 😜✨😘
Sheba, it is my honor to give you a shout out on your special day. You have been a constant and positive member of this forum even while going through the many challenges you faced. To you I hold up a glass of your favorite and wish you a very HAPPY BIRTHDAY and my sincere desire that you have many, many more.!!!! Salute!
@ Taci thanks for starting this thread for Sheba!
Macie412, Nice to see you! and happy to do it.
Hello my friend good to see you back posting. Thank you so much for the birthday shout out.
Your post is so sweet I will not forget this. 😘🌹✨
That one is terrific!! 😂🤣😅[And I loved Farley!]
You are so much fun I love this image. LOL! ✨😎🌹😘
Here is a nice cold one for you my friend. ✨
Happy Birthday my friend!!!!🥰💗🥰💗🥰💗
You know what all that means – luv ya!✨✨✨
Happy Birthday, @sheba2011! Thank you for all the pictures, and all the help you give on the forums. I hope you have a wonderful day!
I am speechless I am so glad you like the pics and so nice of you to take the time
and post I really appreciate it. 😘✨🌹😎
Hi Sheba: I’m in the mood to celebrate. I do have the grapes and we can also have cheese and crackers to start. Hmm…….now to find frest lobsta. Have a great day and kick up those high heels and then some. Happy Birthday. May you have many more healthy ones.
Thank you for taking the time to post a shout out to me. I hope you have a safe and cool
day. See ya in Trivia. 😎✨🌹
HAPPY, HAPPY BIRTHDAY, Mrs. Sheba2011!!🎇✨🎆🎉🎈🎀🎁
Eat & drink whatever your heart desires!!🎂🍦🍰🍧🍫🍨🍩☕🍶🍾🍷🍸🍹🍺🍻🥂🥃
And have one heck of a good day with your hubby & family & furbaby!!🐕🙂☺😏😊🤗😘
I am grateful to be here have had many challenges and I am doing fine. ✨💕😜🌹
Thank you for posting. 😎✨
Conversation Info
Posted in Talk Among Yourselves
34 Replies
08.09.22 1:59 AM
13 Participants