Ladies, the fat lady is singing
HSN was at one time the best place on tv. Now I think you all are seeing the prices rise up and service going down. It’s no longer a fun place with great products that we didn’t mind paying for, with perks of shipping cost. Now the games are changing, the products are faltering on lower quality and higher fees. Let’s say we had a good run, but they are running us off the site. I loved it, but I guess that doesn’t count for anything after years of buying.
QVC DID NOT purchase HSN. QUARATE retail group owns QVC and HSN.
People should have expected changes in HSN with vendors and prices when QVC purchased it.
HSN was competition and now it is a place for people to buy from in addition the Q.I still prefer the posting on the QVC boards compared to the HSN style.
I went to Marshall’s the other day. It appears they are not reordering new merchandise. I guess they will close when most things are gone…so sad. Do you think HSN is doing that?
I haven’t heard anything in Florida that Marshall’s are closing. I did hear that they closed two stores in Chicago, but that’s it.
Oodie, I didn’t know where else to write this post to you. I didn’t want to leave without acknowledging your kindness. and I don’t want to stir anything up so I guess this is my roundabout way of saying thank you. I want you to know I read those two posts from last week and I found them extremely hurtful and insulting to my character and intentions. I want to thank you for addressing those posts and trying to smooth it over. As usual, and true to your form, you are always ready to step in and help. Thank you for trying. I will always appreciate it and your kindness.
I will be posting later in Sheba’s thread to explain why I am leaving but just wanted to acknowledge that your kindness and friendship have meant so much to me.. It has been a pleasure knowing you.On Tuesday, I was shaken to the core by the tragic and sudden death of my son. I am trying to comprehend the incomprehensible. I am trying to put one foot in front of the other and learn how to breathe again.
I hope you read this post, and if not, I hope someone here will lead you to find it. Please stay safe and take care of yourself. I hope you have those little prancing paws around your home soon. Please keep me and my family in your prayers. You will be in mine. Much love, stay safe, but most importantly – kitty hugs to last a lifetime…
Please give my regards to Cherie and Bichon next time they are here. I miss them. Kitty hugs…
I hope they don’t close. Marshall’s is one of my favorite stores.
I ditto all of the responses!
They need someone with vision like Mindy Grossman had to take the reins. She transformed HSN into an exciting boutique-style shopping channel. I didn’t understand what she was doing at first, but in the end I could see what a difference she made. Could they lure her back? Sometimes I wonder whether they’re just preparing to shut the company down, but why do all this rather than just ending it?
It”s almost like QVC bought HSN to sabotage it.
🙂 -
@jadiva PERFECTLY stated , I completely agree with you . I am a long time active customer here . There only a few vendors nowadays left that I bother to even tune in to (:
The s/h is ridiculously high. No one that I frequently buy from charges such high S/H .Actually many if not most offer free shipping or one flat order per order. ALMOST always nowadays, HSN charges s/h on each item without reducing after the first item although their prices are already high enough to cover s/h. If I see something I see offering s/h it encourages me to buy .
What hurts me the most on these changes is that they ask what we think and then they go ahead with their plan anyway. There is no longer good communication between the customer and the management. Sometimes there are other alternatives to their suggestions and all you get is a stab in the back. There are times that I think the owners repurchased HSN so they could tear it down and take it a part bit by bit. It seems they do not want any competition with their QVC. I’m beginning to think that this was a hostile takeover and I can just imagine what Barry Diller is thinking nowadays. I am positive he is crying on the inside as he watches what he built is going downhill very fast. There are times when I wish he would again take the reins and bring back HSN to the heights it once was.
I agree with you. Many of the vendors in fashion, jewelry and beauty are gone. Many items I can buy else where for less, no shipping cost and faster delivery. I have spent 10’s of thousands of dollars over the years on HSN and now I only watch if Marla Wynne, Carol Brodie or Heidi Daus have a show. The fashions are dowdy (and I’m 62 and saying that). QVC’s boring influence is now at HSN. The same show repeating for 6 hours thru the night is useless. I used to do so much impulse buying at night when I could not sleep (which is often), now I just shop online retail. During this Covid Virus every retailer is having huge savings as much as 40% off of new items, so why buy here? If you have Paypal Credit you have 6 months to pay for any item over $99 with no interest, this is more time than HSN allows on flexpay these days. I still read the community page to see what everyone else thinks about the changes.
Conversation Info
Posted in Talk Among Yourselves
14 Replies
08.16.20 7:28 PM
12 Participants