Is it just me???
I don’t mean to offend any of Colleen Lopez’s fans, but it seems she is getting so much more air time than any other host. Last night I saw her modeling her own line of clothes while Nicole Hickle was supposed to be the presenter. Why didn’t Bobby Rae Carter get her own line of clothes, or jewelry? Why is everything in Colleen’s line? I think other long time hosts should also have the same opportunity HSN gave to Colleen. Any thoughts, pro or con???
Perhaps Bobbi Ray isn’t interested in having her own line.
Colleen is one of my favorite home shopping hosts of all the shopping channels. I can definitely understand management’s decision to give her so many opportunities. I’m disappointed on Thursdays at 9:00 for “The List” show, when I’m expecting Colleen, and I see other hosts presenting.
Likely because she’s the highest revenue producer for HSN.
Conversation Info
Posted in Talk Among Yourselves
4 Replies
10.17.21 12:21 AM
4 Participants