I Was Banned From HSN Due to "Excessive Returns"
So I’ve been a loyal HSN customer for over 10 years now, and last night I went to make a purchase and it kept saying my purchase wouldn’t go through, try again or call Customer Service. I did a quick chat and was told I am basically banned from shopping with HSN due to “excessive returns”. I wasn’t even notified prior to this abrupt ban. Also, I feel that the way the presenters always push “oh, just get it home and try it and if you don’t love it, etc etc” – what they don’t tell you is HSN will ban you from shopping if you do this too many times. I am a 46 year old woman who feels like a scolded child!! I tried speaking in person to Customer Service this morning and they suggested writing a letter requesting my shopping privelages be restored (man just saying something like that sounds like a grounded child begging their parents to lift a punishment!) – Anyway i’m just wondering if writing a letter is even worth my time, has anyone here had this happen to them, and has anyone here actually been successful at having their privelages reinstated by writing a letter? Thanks in advance!
I think that if HSN wants shoppers to return less, then they should stop with their hosts saying, and encouraging, that you should just “get it home and try it out and if not right for you just return it.” the new free exchange is really pretty complicated on your HSN card. Seems like hosts are sending one message to sell merchandise when maybe the network wants to send another. If there is a return ceiling, then we should all be informed of it.
Just call them the “Fox news”: They tell you one thing, but are saying something completely different off air. I think that might even be illegal!!!!!
Call them the Fox News of retail, oh boy that one made me laugh out loud. Let’s also tack on every other news media from CNN to NPR! The label of comparing HSN to news media is pretty accurate, we just have to be balanced and realistic about how this happens everywhere now. But it always amuses me to see someone just have to push their political agenda when there is no need and nobody cares.
If we order and return too much and most of these companies are going to balk. I’ve read comments like this, people being banned for too much returning of items, and this is something I think in my head before I order. Am I really going to bet I will like this item and is it worth the price of returning if I don’t like it. You are not alone being banned due to too many returns. I also hear the hosts pushing the easy returns, buy two sizes and return one stuff. But then I think of all of you who have complained over the years about getting that nasty letter banning you from returning any longer and well, I stop myself from purchasing. It has to be something I am sure I will like at this point.
I find it quite funny that you, yes YOU brought up the political side of the conversation. Obviously, you have NOT watched or read the reports by Rupert Murdoch that states the information that the hosts were giving was incorrect. Let alone the the hosts text messages saying one thing, but spewing hatred on air.
As for returning items, each brand sizes are b
Not the same across the board. With that being said, it’s hard to gauge which size you are or would fit in.
If the hosts and representatives for the products would be truthful, then there would not be so many returns. It is ridiculous when they show the before and after pics of a makeup or cream. Not only are the wrinkles gone but their eyes are a deeper color and their hair is shinier and darker in the after picture. They need to stop all the hype that they hope people will fall for (including me) and start telling the truth. Even in clothing they say you can size down and be your “dream size” and then you can’t even get the darn pants over your hips lest zip them up.
so what choice do we have but to return the item. Many times I call customer service and ask that the return fee be waived because it is not what it was presented as being. They usually oblige. Who knows..I may be on their cancellation list soon.-
With all the creams, oils etc that the hosts put on their left hand, you would think it would look 10 years younger. Also the amounts they use in that small area just goes to show that the skin care doesn’t work as well as stated. I’m sick of hearing about the “legal” department wouldn’t allow them to say this or that if it wasn’t true. Well, I’ve heard plenty of their speeches, and rage snow job they do. I’m sure they’ll either remove my post or I’ll get banned.
it’s called trick photography***. theynuse the camera lens that can cover up wrinkles and fake vanish them making customers believe it. i see can still see the wrinkles and the after picture looks no different then the before pitchure. thete both the same. dont fall for that. remember, hsn cameraman use camera lens that ate designed with film that makes it look like when they move the camere line over her eye, that the wrinkles are gone, but truthfully ‘ the wrinkles are still there. save your money and buy your beauty products in your local stores so at least you know if you buy the wrong shade, that you can take it back and get yhe right shade with ease.
The only way you’re going to know if you like an item is by trying it out. I haven’t always liked everything that I ordered. In the past, if I didn’t like an item, I would either keep it, or give it away. But now, I do return items that I don’t like. Why should I keep them? After watching Perlier for decades, I finally bought a body cream in the Lavender scent, but I did not like it. I thought it was too thick, and it didn’t absorb as quickly into my skin as other creams. I also didn’t like the scent, so back it went.
QVC closed my account today, no reason given. I’ve been shopping there since last summer, and did not return anything. Not one single return.
These shopping channels are kind of goofy. -
I hope that doesn’t happen to me. I have severe back problems. I think the size charts are so wrong sometimes it’s hard to know how an item will fit! Then the colors vary in the same size. I think quality control is nonexistent. QVC dumped me during covid. Too many cancellations. Well, if you don’t grab it right away it’s gone. Then I read reviews & cancelled.
Cal, those are very good points to keep in mind, thanks for pointing them out
I’m not aware of any retailer that does not have a policy, posted or otherwise, about excessive returns.
I remember years past when one poster over at QVC’s board complained since they were an excessive returner. It turns out this poster’s percentage rate of returns was around 70% of their purchases. 70%! I found that mind boggling.
Returns cost a company money, so that cost is then passed on to those customers who do actually buy and keep their purchases.
Frequent returners also remover products from the inventory so the size or color a serious shopper may want is then denied.
Does anyone know around what percentage of items you would have to return in order to be banned? I’m really curious what is considered “too many” returns. HSN should let us know so we are aware.
I got banned also for returning items that were flawed or that were totally not according to the proper sizing on the label! It’s their loss because I was ordering lots of things from them every single month. No one has contacted me no letters no email nothing obviously they are going to be going out of business shortly just like all the other ones have in the past. No decent customer service these days. What a shame.
I feel that hsn,, qvc and similar TV stores may not last much longer…. Overhead alone must be beyond imagination. And we get to pay for it.
Thanks for bringing this topic up.
I have a simple question: How does HSN define “excessive returns”? In other words, what is considered excessive or is there a number or percentage we should all be aware of to avoid this situation?-
I don’t know, all I Know is this is BS and its super frustrating. Did this happen to you as well? The other even more frustrating thing is after i’ve been banned I keep getting emails from HSN saying “you left something in your cart! don’t miss out!!” – beyond infuriating….
Hi @roldgold83176, I understand your frustration with the hold on your account and no longer being able to purchase from us. It looks like we sent you a letter in March 2022 requesting that you order items that you sincerely intended to keep. Sadly, in order to have this reviewed, you would have to write a letter with your request to:
Attention – Customer Accounts
PO Box 9090, Clearwater FL 33758
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Posted in Talk Among Yourselves
38 Replies
02.23.24 1:32 AM
29 Participants