I Think Some of Us Are Growing Tired
Sales may be down across the various networks because:
1. False Hype- don’t on me and insist it’s rain water. A product under 3 Stars, may not need air time.
2. Sales peeps and politicians are sounding quite similar these days. Have integrity. We remember what you say.
3. People can really handle the truth if the powers that be decide to tell the truth. If I need to size up, tell me!
4. Rather that playing smoke and mirrors with your customers, why don’t you hold your vendors and yourself to higher standards? Deliver what you promise. If you find a product bombs, i.e. Joy’s Miracle Cleaner…don’t just hold her feet to the fire. Hold your own. After all, you allowed your host to tout how wonderful it smelled.
5. This is the lowest, this has ever been. Noooo. It was lower, when it was a TS.
I received a letter saying i return items too often: #1) don’t send awful stuff that is presented as wonderful on air; #2) some of the items reek of chemical smell; #3) I pay for shipping on the order and the return. Think I’m done.
I, too, have reduced my viewing time on HSN and Q. Maybe we’ve been customers for too long. I just wish HSN was as it use to be.
About the only things I buy are Andrew Lessman’s products and items that are drastically reduced….and I don’t mean $10 on a $79 item.
Most of all I miss not being about to save taxes when ordering via the internet on HSN. Saved big money before Q took over and they immediately stopped that.
It’s the same ole lingo….buy it for your uncle, buy it for your sister, buy several for your neighbors, buy it for your dead grandma…buy it for everyone JUST BUY IT, da*m it!
I don’t ordinarily watch HSN but when I have I really don’t care for the way items are presented. No need to raise your voice to crystal shattering volume with me. And the before and after photos with most beauty vendors are ridiculous. Just show me the product, tell me what to expect from using it and with any luck at all it’ll do what I hope it will do. No magic bullet out there girls. I’m finding myself visiting vendor sites and placing orders direct. Most times I get all sorts of samples, etc. included with my order which give me the opportunity to try new things. HSN has changed and I don’t order like I used to.
sometimes i just need to know the perimeters…..
i buy something and a few days later it’s free shipping. do i qualify for my shipping to be reduced or not? i have placed an inquiry in the Customer Service section and have received no response. i have seen others inquire and their shipping was reduced to free instead of sending their item back and reordering it. so what gives now?
that and if you give me a coupon for $10 off anything over $10, within certain guidelines, and i try to use it but at checkout it keeps saying it’s “invalid,” then why post it on my account? i had this happen last year at this time and now again.
i have only gotten the $5 off coupon to use once, even when the code states i can use it over and over again.
i try to be positive b/c i know it’s tough to be in retail, but inconsistencies need to be pointed out b/c i am sure i am not the only customer who gets confused and frustrated. when these things happen, i do not buy. i buy for what i need/like and what i can afford.
i hope this thread helps HSN investigate issues customers are raising for a more positive shopping experience.
and bring back Joy and Iman. their energy was bright and addictive. some people complain of abrasive or loud vendors. that just means they are serious and/or passionate about their product. you need different personalities or the channel will become stale and cookie cutter boring.
the other customers are correct about pricing. the new Vintage American is on par with the style at a big box store, but there for much, much less. unless the apparel has super powers, a pant or blouse to lounge in should not be so costly. i bet that line would sell better between $25 -35 a pop and not around $50.
more free shipping days. i bet HSN’s sales spike on those days. there is a reason… people see shipping and handling as another tax. i am going to buy a shirt that can be shipped fairly cheap and if i pay $50 for it, why should i pay shipping in addition? think like your customers…. not like bottom line bosses. b/c $5 gets you to the mall and back, then everything else is free shipping while you’re there. in the online shopping wars, be competitive. unless you have something no one else has… which is rare.
Thank you for your time,
I’m glad they cut way back on jewelry shows!
The clothes are so expensive now I cannot afford them on both HSN and QVC. Why are all the tops $50 and up? Some of the hosts always say what size they wear. OK so everyone wears an extra small apparently…… Hey its OK to wear a Large! I won’t say names but someone who looks like a Large on Thursday evenings insisting they are a Medium or size 8! Awwww….. I don’t think so.
Food–Really expensive as well. Meatballs for $50 when I can get a couple of packages of good name brand at the grocery store for $8.99/$6.99 each on sale.HSN and QVC ought to be trying harder to market to younger people, but most I know never shop on TV or have never heard of them.
In addition how about all the repeat shows on loop on all the shopping channels. What a bore. I too am not watching anymore. I check for new fashions and jewelry, but there rarely is anything anymore.
Hollow inside for me. I have no idea what to buy everyone. We’re retired in our 70’s and everyone thinks we are rich. LOL!!!
I think the whole HSN business has gone down the drain. Its the same old same old every week. Nothing new unless it over $200.00 with flex pay. Sorry but the item can be bought elsewhere for less money. Been there and done that. The fun is gone, the good days are far behind HSN. Haven’t bought on here in months and don’t intend to buy again. All I do now is play the arcade.
I agree the fun is gone. Some of the things they have on their “gift” shows crack me up. Nasal lavage? Is that REALLY on anyone’s gift list? Not saying it isn’t something a lot of people need, but…. I did pick up some beautiful DG2 pieces recently, however. I’m awaiting the return of Iman in Spring with great anticipation!
Well said! 😀
I also get tired of the shenanigans!
Conversation Info
Posted in Talk Among Yourselves
11 Replies
11.27.19 3:52 AM
11 Participants