HSN Survey
Was surprised to see a HSN Survey email this morning. It was quite lengthy. Multiple questions to select from options on what is most important/least important. Then the same questions related to Target. Not sure it is a realistic company comparison. But, interesting regardless.
Did anyone else get the survey?
No I did not
Nope. I am not surprised I did not receive a survey. I used to get them, but I don’t shop HSN like I did in the past.
I got one and took a pass. Actually they should give everyone who takes the time to complete one $10 in Kash. Not try to entice by making them hope they’ll be the one picked to get the $10. Really HSN lol
I didn’t get a survey either. I guess I don’t buy enough anymore to rate. It seems to me that they should be differentiating themselves from Target and other big chain stores that ship for free and sell in huge amounts (like Walmart). Mindy Grossman seemed to transform HSN into a collection of lovely boutiques, or at least that’s what it looked like to me. I didn’t understand what she was doing until her transformation was well on the way to being implemented. They need her or someone like her to come in as a product advisor, it seems to me. I’m just a shopper, but that’s my two cents!
I’m getting quite exercised about the exodus of good vendors from HSN: Serious Skincare, Elysee, Joy, Joan Boyce, Sorrelli, LiPaz, etc. Oh, and Slinky, and who else? I just picked up the most darling dangle hoops from Joan Boyce. I got the last one. I will treasure them. Today I got stud earrings from Sorrelli that are beautiful. I immediately got the other color that’s still available. You can get those Sorrelli studs on Amazon in other colors. I prefer to avoid Amazon whenever possible.
I still say Joan, Linda Marshall, Lisa Robertson, and others should form their own on-line home shopping marketplace and pool their resources for advertising, etc.
I have shopped with HSN since the mid-80’s and never received a survey.
They only send surveys to people who they think will give them results they want to hear. The rest of us aren’t asked because they fear our responses!
Conversation Info
Posted in Talk Among Yourselves
7 Replies
07.04.21 1:54 AM
7 Participants