hsn new laws on food tax
hsn said all states on food tax exempt changed there laws when i asked her when,she responded two” weeks” ago”. 44 states are food tax exempt and only six states chsrge food tax being Tennessee, mississippi,masuri, Oklahoma, Alabama and one other state. what the rep was saying was,hsn changed there laws and now started taxing food on all” states including 44 states with no food tax.i think this is about the free S&H on orders of $75.00and $5.95 S&H.after we found this out, more then half of hsn customers closed your accounts and hsn lost millions so to try to recoup some of that revenue, there putting tax on food thst is tax exempt. please! don’t buy any food from hsn of curtis stone or any of there other chefs. buy your burgers, cod, salmon in your local stores and there tax exempt.
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Posted in Talk Among Yourselves
1 Replies
03.23.23 2:19 PM
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