HSN… DONE! DONE! DONE!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Why? Well, here goes: After 20+yrs & TENS of THOUSAND$-THIS IS THE **LAST TIME** I DO BIZ W/HSN (Qurate)! NEVER-EVER-EVERrrr will I SPEND ONE RED CENT W/THIS DISGUSTING, DISGRACEFUL, MOST INSULTING, EXORBITANTLY OVERPRICED FOR CHEAP, BARGAIN BIN-LOWER END DISCOUNT STORE QUALITY, OR LACK THEREOF, PRODUCTS! What **Quarate** has done to HSN is ABHORRENT, AND A CRYING SHAME! As for Cust Serv… OMG-IT IS NONEXISTENT! 100% INCOMPETENT, UNKNOWING and MOST UNPROFESSIONAL… not to mention, BEYOND RUDE! -RUDE RUDE RUDE! What the heck happened? Better… WHOM ALLOWED FOR THIS? Ordered item on 5/5 WITH **AVAIL** QUANTITY at time (pic PROOF!)! Back SAME eve, STILL AVAIL (ANOTHER PIC OF PROOF)! Next day, item began countdown to sellout (ANOTHER PIC PROOF)! Why all the ‘pic PROOF’? THIS HAPP’D SEV TIMES BEFORE AND **NOW** HSN ‘powers that be’ CANNOT REFUTE PICS OF PROOF WITH item/date/time AND availability! IMPOSSIBLE TO DISPUTE, REFUTE, OR DENY! So, after a wk of ‘nil’, checked order status-STILL PROCESSING! Why? *WAS* AVAIL when ordered AND REC’D CONF # so what’s the holdup, Corona Virus? OK, NO PROB. I’m patient, item WAS AVAIL, ALL SHOULD BE WELL, right? WRONG, SO **WRONG**! WAS to receive order by 5/15-when I rec’d a DELAY email. Ok, looked up item # to check avail-now SOLD OUT… SOLD OUT TO WHERE THERE’S NO LIST/PIC FOR ITEM #-reads “product not found”. HSN EXPERIENCED ppl KNOW WHEN/IF an items “OUT OF THE SYSTEM”-it’s SOLD OUT. (ANOTHER pic for proof). I know returns DO HAPP and item may become avail as a cust return. So today (6/2) I now contact Cust Serv via phone. What BEGAN as a NICE convo BECAME THE WORST AND MOST RUDE! Rep OUTRIGHT LIED! YES, I REPEAT, ***LIED*** (I KNOW IT’S RECOREDED, SO I HOPE IT’S INVESTIGATED AND FURTHER USED IN TRAINING as **HOW “NOT” TO TREAT** A LOYAL $PENDER of DECADES). Told item was ‘OVERSOLD’-AND- as of tomorrow (6/3) MY ORDER WILL BE CANCELLED! EVEN WHILE KNOWING RETURN DATES OF ITEMS PLACED DURING COVID-19 ARE EXTENDED THRU JULY! Still, keep in mind all my PIC PROOF, of which she knows not. -WHY THE CANCELLATION? WHY NOT EXTEND MY ORDER THRU JULY ALSO? OF COURSE -NO ANSWERS FOR! NONE LEGITIMATE ANYWAY! Things happen AND I AM UNDERSTANDING, BUT HOW CAN THIS BE? Cust Serv Rep AND a Supervisor WITH NO ANSWERS? (THIS… is WHY I NOW TAKE ‘pic proofs’ BEFORE-AFTER, and AFTER THAT-OF EVERY ITEM/ORDER I PLACE-and ALL sent to DIFF EMAIL ADDRESS than HSN has access to). Yah, I’m REALLY TICKED OFF -AND- DONE W/HSN **PERMANENTLY**! Now I get the ‘Supervisor’ (was she really? Who REALLY knows) whom was also NICE, well, kind of. (Oh, AND all is happ’ing just under 45min’s total). She was GREAT… UNTIL SHE COULD NOT ANSWER THE FOLLOWING: IF oversold, how is it that for sev days of searching item, AND REPEATEDLY GETTING ‘item not found’, NOW ITEM IS SUDDENLY AVAIL? It S/O IMMED-BUT IT WAS A **RETURN** that was AVAIL for sale AGAIN… (FOR THE ITEM TO BE IN SYSTEM, right?). BUT WHAT ABOUT THOSE WHOM DIDN’T GET THAT RETURNED ITEM WHEN IT WAS THEN SOLD AGAIN, LEAVING OUT THE ORIG BUYER??? Well… OBVIOUSLY SHE HAD NO RESPONSE AND BECAME, hmmm, JUST… NOT HELPFUL! It’s NOT MY FAULT HSN DROPPED THE BALL… AND… I HAVE THE PIC PROOF THAT **SHOWS IT ALL**! Now, I *KNOW* my Arcade Gaming days ARE OVER (it’ll now be scrambled screens, no tickets, and continual shutdowns… AND THAT’S IF I CAN EVEN GET *IN* THE Arcade!) -AND I WILL MISS THAT MOST OF ALL!!! BUT THATS HOW PETTY/SPITEFUL HSN HAS BECOME! Either way… I AM DONE – OVER IT ALL! Michael Fitzharris, Quarate CEO, WILL BE RECEIVING A BOOK OF INFO *WITH* NAMES/DATES/TIMES/item availability etc… AND WITH **MANY** PICS PROVING **ALL** I HAVE JUST SHARED… FOR ALL THE GOOD IT WILL DO! I AM DONE!!! This ‘venting’ was for me-there will be those who are COMPLETELY UNDERSTANDING and SUPPORTIVE TO WHAT I’VE SHARED-AND THEN THERE WILL BE ‘HATERS’, and so be it. PRAYERS TO ALL IN NEED AND THOSE AFFECTED BY COVID-19 and PEACE AND HAPPINESS TO EVERYONE…
I hate to hear how you were treated. Shame on HSN!
Unfortunately, this is the norm around here.
I dropped my shopping drastically from HSN drastically because of many issues since the take over.
I personally wouldn’t want to buy from anyone who made me feel like I had to beg them to sell to me. There are so many other better options than hsn. They don’t seem to realise this, but I think it will be their eventual undoing.
Geez Delraylaw I for one will miss seeing you in Community. We both go back many years. By the way I found the Mods here to be very helpful. Did you try them????? They have been with HSN long before Qurate took over. Try posting in their customer service area within Community because they may not have seen your post. At one time they were everywhere, but for some reason, not now.
I saw the Writing on the wall. I still purchased some items, because my wife loves Heidi, Perlier and Beekman. Then she looked at one of her A/D and for some unexplained reason, next shipment was end of September.
I also returned one item and like you make screen copies. I was told the “VIP” for getting $5 when returning items is as of March no longer valid . I have copy, that shows a different story.
HSN was my wife’s favorite and something went terribly wrong.
I wish you the best for happier days ahead. This is a sincere greeting from one HSN old timer!
Stay safe and healthy!
Conversation Info
Posted in Talk Among Yourselves
5 Replies
06.04.20 2:34 AM
5 Participants