Just went into my HSN charge account. There it was, what going to Synchrony Bank will mean to you. They are horrible to deal with so I am sure I will be through with HSN. QVC has really changed HSN 🙁
Never really had an issue with Synchrony Bank until my husband and I did not receive our Lowes bill (also issued by Synchrony Bank) for May 2021. Unfortunately we had a lot going on (who doesn’t) in May and as we do not charge on the Lowes card every month (and always pay the amount we owe in full when we do), it slipped our minds. When we received the bill for June, we realized that we missed paying approximately $75 for the May bill because it was listed as overdue along with interest (under $3) and a past due fee in the amount of $29. My husband called Synchrony Bank and explained that it was an unintentional oversight on our part, that we received no bill for May, and that we have a history of always paying our bills on time (although we messed up this time). The Synchrony Rep waived the $29 fee (or so we thought). We sent in the entire payment plus the interest (under $3 for interest) less the fee. After they received the payment, Synchrony emailed my husband and told him that they were NOT waiving the $29 fee after all. Synchrony went back on their word. However, one good thing, at least my husband got the email promptly informing us that they wanted the $29 fee. I was able to mail Synchrony the $29 in time (before it began late). Yes, in essence, it is our responsibility to pay our bills on time, but I personally hate it when the Synchrony Rep agreed to waive the fee and then they decide NOT to honor their word. We paid the bill and the fee and the balance should be zero. My husband said that he will not be using the Lowes card again because of Synchrony’s behavior. I am looking at ALL of our cards and anything that is related to Synchrony will not be utilized. If we purchase anything from HSN, we will not be using the HSN card due to Synchrony’s behavior. I doubt it will make that big of a dent for Synchrony to notice. They will most likely survive without us, but, in turn, we will just fine without them.
I haven’t had that happen with Synchrony but I was charged interest on my Capitol One card a few months ago that wasn’t suppose to be charged.I called and the lady was very nice and reversed it,or so I was told,. It came off my next statement but then the following month it was added back on with interest for that months charges also added.Called again and they said because I hadn’t paid that interest when billed I owed interest for the whole months charges.
After getting nowhere with them I paid it and haven’t used the card again… I think the credit card companies don’t really want customers that pay in full monthly especially if its a reward card.. Basically they pay us to use their cards and I can see their side of this but unless they change the rules I won’t be scammed with a charge I don’t owe..I have other cards I can use with rewards attached.I check all my accounts online at least weekly.. Since the pandemic its gotten worse.
My return has been sitting in Swedesboro, NJ HSN warehouse since jun3 3rd and not credited back to my HSN card yet. The due date for me to pay is June 10th and HSN says that it will n9ot post till June 11th which is overdue. This is ridiculous since it took the USPS 8 days to get the package from NC to NJ and now 7 more days to post. I’m not going to be responsible for being one day overdue on my payment and then go thru the hassle of trying to get my money back from HSN. I canceled my HSN credit card and will never buy anything again from HSN because it cost me $12.50 to mail the package back for a defective item they sold.
Cancelling the card will not stop you from being responsible for the payment that is due on the 10th..The card is issued by Synchrony Bank and all they see is what is on the statement..What HSN does is not their concern.Just like,Kohls, JCPenny, Belks, etc..The card has the store name on the logo but thats all as far as payments,billings,etc.If the payment isn’t there on the 10th you will be charged a late fee.It would be best to make the payment and then let them issue you a refund if the card is closed.
Otherwise your credit score is going to take a hit for a late payment.
I totally agree! I really dislike the way HSN is now under QVC. HSN use to have up 6 flex pays on most items. Now they only go up to 3. Which is ridiculously being some of the items are over $1000!
Had my share of too many issues with synchrony bank in establishing my checking account. Due to their error they closed my account. Keep in mind I’m never late on my payments & I’ve been a loyal customer of HSN for years & brought a ton of items. I’m done with this bank. But not a problem as I’m in the process of paying off the account $265 balance & sticking with Amazon.
I don’t own any credit cards, except a Kohl’s card to get coupons. however, I applied and got approved for the HSN card within the last week or so, so I could take advantage of the $40 credit code for applying. I have until the end of November to apply it. So I was shopping around to make my first purchase, but now after reading all this, I’m very hesitant.
Do they not have a same day each month that a bill is due?
Is anyone having a problem making a purchase and pay right away?
Do they not send paper bills and is it not payable within the HSN site?
Should I just use it once for my coupon then cancel it and how? It seems from these comments that it’s difficult to make contact with them,
I’m sorry for all the questions, but I feel more comfortable asking you guys who are familiar than trying to correctly interpret their “legal” contracts.
Thank you, guys for the help!-
I have had a HSN card for many years and always had the same due date. You can get paper bills if you want and you can go to pay from HSN’s website. You scroll all the way to the bottom of the website to pay my bill. It is really easy.
Thanks, Valk. I have not seen it on the news about lifting freeze for all three credit bureaus. Last week my local credit union asked me to lift experian to establish new account.
Credit Karma alerted me (when I applied for HSN card) a hard inquiry was blocked because Transunion report is frozen. Great site!
I’m going to forego the $70 I’m being offered to open a card. Have had trouble with Synchrony in the past.
I applied for an HSN card today. Synchrony rep said since I have a credit freeze on my account I will have to lift freeze from all three credit bureaus. Are you kidding me??
I will not be getting an HSN card. I’ve dealt with Synchrony in the past. No thank you. They are the reason I cancelled my card over a year ago.-
From consumer.ftc.org
A credit freeze also does not:
keep you from opening a new account. But to open one, you’ll need to lift the freeze temporarily. It’s free to lift the freeze and free to place it again when you’re done accessing your credit.
So what is the issue? The FTC website confirms you need to lift the freeze in order to open the account. This would be an issue with most, if not all, lenders.
The issue is…..lifting credit from all three credit bureaus. My bank requires lifting from one credit bureau, not all three.
This has been all over the news that if you put a freeze on all three credit bureaus you have to lift it for all three. This is for all not just with Synchrony bank.
It basically took me 2 minutes. I’m not understanding all these issues I only followed the directions.
I too have just spent an inordinate amount of time trying to pay my bill. It doesn’t recognize any of my id as correct. It’s correct! Now what?
ok, I logged onto hsn.syf.com. Now how do I pay my bill? Ive already signed up over the phone and now can’t get into pay my bill. This is ridiculous. So is qvc going to change to Synchrony bank too at some point? I always pay my bills on time and I’m tired of registering 4 times and still can’t pay my bill. I guess I’ll have to call on the phone every time my hsn bill is due and I can pay all my other bills at once on my bank account. That would be a lot easier, but I hope you make it easier for us paying on time customers to pay our bills.
I tried several days to get on bank”s site, finally called bank and was told you cannot get on by using Goggle Chrome, must use Internet Explorer or Edge. Finally I got on site. Hope this helps others who may be having troubles.
I use Chrome almost exclusively, on both my work laptop and home laptop–I never have issues with Chrome. I have numerous accounts with Synchrony and I access all of them via Chrome without any problems.
A couple of things….
You do realize this is a forum of other HSN customers and not the bank? Specifically, I highly doubt that anyone from Synchrony is reading these posts in any official manner. With that in mind, why are you registering so many times? Once you registered and logged in, did you set up your banking information so that you can pay from your bank account? The banking info would not automatically carry over, either.
QVC is already using Synchrony for their card services, which is probably why HSN has shifted over. I would not be surprised to see an eventual merging of brands so that it is a QVC-HSN card.
I signed up online put in my banking info. I have not had any problems paying my bill. Did you create a password? QVC already has Synchrony as their cc.
I’ve always paid my HSN bill at Walmart but their computer won’t accept the new synchrony bill. I called them but they said its not their problem but its a Walmart problem.Has anyone had this problem?
This is crazy. Very disappointed!
What’s going on I’ve bee trying to pay my bill online keep getting wrong account, this is really crazy, I’ve register 5 times and it still said wrong account.
When do I get a new card??
Go to HSN.SYF.COM and register your current HSN information as a New customer. It will send you a text code to verify then you can go into your new account. I just did it.
Conversation Info
Posted in Talk Among Yourselves
86 Replies
06.20.21 7:53 PM
58 Participants