How many storage units does Guy have?
Anyone else wonder how many storage units Guy has for all the stuff he says he gets for “Danny”?
Anyone else have a pool going with how long into each presentation it will be before he mentions Danny?
We used to play a ‘shots’ game with every time he mentioned Danny, but we had to quit – we were too to stay awake for the whole presentation!
All the hosts make the same statement. Yes, it gets old quickly!
Sound Familiar to you?
I have several of these
I have this one.
I had to buy several before I started the show because I wanted to make sure I got one before it sold out!
I did not get a chance to buy one, so please leave me one. I will buy it at the end of the show.
This is one of my favorite products! I use it all the time!
My mama told me if you can at least afford one pair of really good leather shoes, you need to have at least one pair!
My all time favorite line is “This is sure to be a sellout”, then the same product is seen for days, even weeks on line or on the air. Guess they don’t realize we customers have caught on to their high pressure sale tactics.
It makes me wonder why the hosts are pressured to say they own everything that is presented. Some of these hosts must own at least 10 bed mattresses!
I swear these presenters must be trained by used car salesmen. They also must all have 25,000 square foot homes to hold all the HSN items they own.
Conversation Info
Posted in Talk Among Yourselves
5 Replies
08.01.21 9:26 PM
5 Participants