Hi Sheba2011
You mentioned last night that you had to have a procedure today. I hope all went well and you are feeling better now that the ordeal is over. Just wanted to make sure you are OK since this is the only way to let you know that I am thinking of you. Take care.
Hi there you were missed last night and I know you were busy putting things away.
Yes, it was the tooth and I had to take care of it. I am snapping out of it now.
Thank you for thinking about me. Oodie you can always drop in on the other thread
anytime you want. 🙂 Check the August Birthday Thread we still have more Birthday’s
and don’t forget your friends birthday which I think is the 24th. Heidi Daus is the the 19th.
Conversation Info
Posted in Talk Among Yourselves
3 Replies
08.18.19 12:42 AM
2 Participants