Friends Old And New!
My dear mom passed away in June,and these holidays have been very hard for me.I try to keep on her tradition, she loved products from HSN.She actually made me get my first home shopping credit card here. In which I purchased SSC. Every year she wanted Adriannes cream,I’d always get her the 2 pack And, Marilyns creams.Please hold your dear ones close I certainly didn’t expect mom to go.She was 85 and no signs of leaving me. Such a shock…I have a bunch of dolls she bought here too..giving to the whole family now .Happy Holidays and Many Blessings! to all!
Thank you so much for the card and kind words. Although I don’t actively post in HSN community, I do check in your blog whenever I can and I am a great fan of yours. It’s rather funny that I used to call my little daughter as “ Queen of Sheba “ for a good or bad situation she was in at that moments. That Queen of Sheba, gave me a precious grand daughter 2 months ago.
My mom who passed raised my daughter while I was working, and lived through and up to her wedding.
Yes, 3 generations at the wedding. Mom could have lived just one more year to witness the grand child she raised having a baby….a great grand daughter.
Have a wonderful Holiday Season !!-
Oh, what a sweet post thank you for being so kind.
I am at a loss for words.
I appreciate you taking the time to write this and if you feel like it post on that Thread.
I would love to hear from you and I remember you from some Heidi Daus Threads.I love the name Sheba and thank you for sharing your family story with me. Sheba was
my beloved little dog.Again I am very sorry for your loss.
I hope the Queen of Sheba gives you more grandchildren.
I am so sorry for your loss it is still emotional for me I can feel what you do.
I did not know you lost your mother so recently.I miss seeing you post in the Community I want to wish you a very Happy Holiday I know
you will make it your best.How is my old hometown doing? I bet it is cold there.
Please take care of yourself.
Oh! Sheba ,you’re such a doll like always! Thanks for your kindness!
Took my mom shopping and for a haircut she was so happy.
My last words were…” Mom you look so beautiful with your haircut.”. Love you see you tomorrow!
I had an in-law arraignment for her …so I talked to her everyday.Next day asked her do you want to go to the fish fry…reply was fine ..we’ll see dear I’ll let you know. Came down it was too late, she was slumped over the chair. This is life! Thanks, so much for being you! -
Hometown is still good…I’m in the south suburbs in a very quite town ..city is not so good on the news everyday.. Makes me sad..no snow yet so that’s good!
Hello, My dearest Mom passed away last year in the nursing home. They would not allow me to visit her due to covid lock down situation. I could not hold her hands to say good bye. I cried for months and still crying from time to time. She was living with me before she went into the nursing home. Her room is still remained the same with all her belongings left behind.
I now use her perfumes from her vanity tray and i sleep in her PJs when I miss her. I feel her all over me. It must be very difficult time for you especially for the holiday season. I understand. Although I lost Mom last year, I gained a brand new life, “a grand child”. this year. A gift for me from Heaven. So, I decided to put a huge Christmas tree this year to celebrate for the new born and also Moms eternal life. May this Holiday season bring you comfort and peace.-
Same to you…such a sad story but much to look forward to.
May god bless you and your family!I wish you all the best moving forward.
Thanks for your kind words..means so much! -
I am very sorry for your loss I had a similar experience with my dad just two years ago
same situation I had to dress in PPE Gear just to say goodbye but I had those few precious
minutes.I feel for all of you especially this time of year.
I am still trying to deal with so much.
Happy Holidays and congratulations on the new grandchild what a joy.
Thanks xango for your comforting words as you remember your own mom.
It’s so hard .. many blessings to you and your family.-
Hi. I lost my mom many years ago. She loved watching Joan Rivers on QVC and keeping the telly on through the night. She had it on continuously for so long that the QVC Logo is still embedded in the TV set. It’s not easy losing a parent especially when it is so unexpected. Though the pain is there many years later, it becomes easier to bear. Wishing you the best the holidays have to offer.
OODIEBOM…Thank You! so much …love hearing moms stories!…they are so comforting!
Bless you and your family this holiday season.Means so much to me hearing others stories!
Hello, I comprehend your pain. My mom is no longer here with me, she passed many years ago. She passed on December 8th, and yesterday 12/8/22 was hard for me.
I too would get her gifts, she enjoyed their PJ’S and the PJ’s QCV would have every season for the Winter. I am sure she is looking down and seeing you and your love her your mom. I wish you a Blessed Holidays Season, filled with Joy, Health and Happiness.
Conversation Info
Posted in Talk Among Yourselves
13 Replies
12.12.22 3:40 AM
5 Participants