End of era
I use to be an avid HSN shopper and purchased many items from Joy Magano and Iman, even handbags from Sharif while he was alive and featured on HSN. QVC has frumpy clothes and boring accessories which seemed more overpriced then HSN items. Stopped shopping on HSN when I no longer recognized the designers. The platform for selling items via on air talk hosts is fading out. Younger generations don’t have time nor interest to sit and listen to endless descriptions of items on their tv or even on Ipads, phones, etc. It’s become so trendy to buy used and save $ because consumers are being inundated with so many outrageous fees on credit card interest rates of which HSN has one of the highest via Synchronicity. The convenience of spreading out payments to purchase more expensive items just isn’t worth it. HSN/QVC have too much competition. My favorite brands such as Bzees or Clarks shoes are sold on other sites which offer constant discounts. HSN offers minimal discounts and always on non clearance items. Don’t waste your $ on HSN/QVC, or comparison shop before buying on HSN.
Saharajane, I have noticed that as well. I preferred when the TV hosts and the vendors were very professional and explained their products in detail. Now, it seems that TV hosts all talk about their families. I’m glad they have nice families but I don’t care to hear about them during the presentation. That’s what Facebook and Instagram are for. I am glad that Andrew Lessman is still very professional and talks about his products in detail.
i ordered ninja icecream maker in pink . i said i may not like the coller so they told me about the cinnamon if i dont like the pink, i can zend it back and they will send me the cinnamon free exchange so i said ok, then she asked me what’s my address, i told her. created another purchase which i didn’t know that’s why she asked me what’s my address. now it’s on its way back to hsn fully refunded” well” that’s what hsn told me, the pink happens to be the rosegold not’ the pink.
I think HSN has gone downhill since Mindy Grossman left. She took a somewhat dull shopping channel and turned it into a series of lovely, interesting boutiques. I remember how beautiful the sets were, with a different one for each vendor. That sells merchandise, it seems to me. Now they’re letting go of so many long-term brands, including some of their biggest sellers. This makes no sense to me unless they’re planning to close the place down.
Vendors who’ve left HSN and QVC should discuss forming a virtual home shopping marketplace and pooling their resources for advertising and other expenses. Their overhead would be much less than HSN’s. Lisa Robertson and some of the brands that have been dropped by HSN should explore this possibility. HSN should beg Mindy Grossman to do some consulting for them. She seems to be an excellent turnaround artist.
Andrew Lessman and Heidi Daus are really my favorites and are most of my purchases . Korres is also a favorite (great quality ) and I am very happy Iman (CLASSY lady) is returning (:
I was heartbroken when HSN dropped Sharif .. I had never felt so sad over anyone leaving as I did when Sharif ElFouly left – he also seem sad , He was just tossed aside . He is still very much alive and doing ok .
I do not buy or watch Evine , ShopHQ or whatever they call it now.
I do buy Sharif purses on eBay and Amazon .I buy occasionally from QVC – Peter Thomas Roth , Dr Denise and Wen
HSN was my first choice to shop for years. I miss the old HSN and keep hoping it returns.
Hello, thought I would tell you that Sharif is now on ShopHQ. Lots to choose from. They’ve really upped their style game. I dress very fashion forward, & their clothing is outstanding & well priced. Marc Bouwer is my favorite designer & his collection is there now. Sharif is the sweetest, kindest gentleman- very talented. 🙂 https://www.shophq.com/b/fashion/sharif-handbags/?icid=DN-Fashion-MoreBrands_3-Sharif
I also love love love Lancome products
Saharajane I have been shopping elsewhere for shoes since the fit at HSN is no longer there. Seems I either need to go up or down a size depending upon the shoe and the manufacturer. Rather than do the returns, I now go locally and found they are less expensive. Shipping from other retail outlets is usually free and they have free returns as well. Like Pinkdoll, I do enjoy Jay King as well as Chaco Canyon, Heidi Daus and once in a while Rarities. On other occasions I shop at the Liquidation Channel where they have a certain percentage off on a daily basis. Their jewelry line is gorgeous. Also looking forward to IMAN. On another note, I do not enjoy watching QVC or Shop HQ.
Also, HSN drove me to Shop HQ (formerly called Evine) when they dropped jewelry designer, Nicky Butler. Now I watch him there & shop.
The biggest draw to HSN for me, is Jay King. I go out of my way to watch him, like a TV show. He’s also what got me watching HSN in the first place. Before that, I had never watched any shopping channel. I don’t care much for QVC. The only thing I’ll watch over there is Carolyn Pollack – American West. But I don’t think her jewelry is as good of value as Jay King. Other than that, I’m not interested in QVC’s products…and I don’t connect with their hosts. But if HSN’s prices keep going up, I’ll be buying less & less.
Conversation Info
Posted in Talk Among Yourselves
11 Replies
08.02.22 1:35 PM
9 Participants