Deceptive practices!!#
Just wanted everyone to be aware of a new scam that HSN & QVC are now doing. I placed an order for the Vionic sandals in Feb and was on a wait list for over 90 days..probably due to their ex tended return policy. Finally was in process for a week and then disappeared. Called CS and they had no idea what I was talking about. The TSV was about $39 and then jumped to $63. Never seen anything like it in the past. Last week, HSN had a TS for 2 tablet pillows which were to ship on 7/20. I’ve been checking my order status daily as I’ve been waiting for items that I placed in JUNE! Suddenly the order for the pillows have disappeared. No email was sent nor did CS have any explanation.
In the 20+ years as a shopper at these sites, this has never happened. Once may be a coincidence but twice, I don’t think so. I can’t even cancel orders that have been placed as they just sit there for over 3 weeks. Due to covid, you have to wait for 6 weeks for a refund even when I haven’t received it. Of course, I’m expected to pay for these items and wait for a refund.
I know this is a rant, but i wanted others to be aware of these deceptive and unethical practices they have both adopted. It’s definitely hit or miss these days but I’m done!I am going to file a complaint with the BBB as well.
I totally agree. The one very deceptive practice is when they give the price of an item, but that price is the EASY PAY option, not the total cost. How are they allowed to get away with this?? Amy does this constantly, as do several other hosts. Bobbie has never done this, so why can’t they all practice honesty when hosting a show??? So tired of these games the hosts play when trying to get items sold.
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Posted in Talk Among Yourselves
2 Replies
07.16.20 5:14 PM
2 Participants