Conversation 25
Hello Peeps time for a new Conversation Thread. This is number 25 out of the
series. I created and started this thread 10 years ago.
I will change it often from now on. This is just a knock around
thread about things in life. My life and others. I am an avid Heidi
Daus Collector, former singer, model and so on. I do this thread because
I enjoy what I do. I love fashion and music and HSN is a little of both.
I cover a lot of music and fashion on this thread. ✨😎
I am going to wish Happy Holidays to all the Peeps out there and please
stay safe. 🌹✨😎
Oh my goodness it’s so good to see you post. We have all been worried. I knew something
was wrong and it would be a matter of time before you post. 💕😘I am not going to ask a lot of questions I want you to get on your feet right and proper.
I am just so happy you will be alright. I said many prayers for you. I have things going on
but I cannot talk about them just yet and it’s not me I am fine. 😎 The kids are fine too.I hope you take slow and steady you have been through a lot I am sure you have stories
to tell. Xango all I can say is welcome home. 😘💕🎈We shall write later.We have miss you so much my friend. 💕😘Hey I bet your husband needs rest too. 😎 I am so glad he
was there to help you all this noise. 💕 -
Hi Sheba, it’s been an unbelievable experience. I got discharged from the hospital Wednesday. During all this time I have gone through several operations and procedures. Had infections, bleeding and so much more.
In the process got organs taken out.
Well I am home trying to get better and working on eating some solid foods. Not there yet, only liquids and soups.
My poor hubby had to do so much for me, getting up early going to the hospital. Working and seeing me at night. This week he took off for my discharge, it’s so good to be home.
I read you are grilling, have a nice piece of whatever for me. 😊
Enjoy your weekend and holiday 😊 -
I also loved the patio picture yesterday. Wouldn’t mind changing the wicker set to that one. My only concern are the hurricanes which could start at any moment.
The two plants I purchased are absolutely beautiful. I took a chance ordering on line and I will be letting the vendor know how much I am enjoying them. I decided to contact the people who do our lawn and have them transplant them where they can get full sun. that’s a huge choice since the front and back of our home get full sun all day. The flowers are red and coral. I hope the hummingbirds and butterflies enjoy the nectar. Will be fun to sit back and watch.
Yes, I am reading again. It’s a mystery novel by Faye Hellerman, “Killing Season.” Both she and her husband, Jonathan, are writers. Even their son writes every now and then. I just wish hubby would pick up a book every now and then. He has started many stories only to put it down after a couple of chapters. Me, I love being transported to different venues. It’s like being there in person. and what a wonderful way to have a vacation without leaving home or in my case, hubby’s rehab room.
It is very hot and muggy. Temp is almost 95 degrees with high humidity. No rain in sight for the next 10 days or so. I am being very careful what I wish for. I do not think there is one Floridian looking forward to hurricane season. The season begins June 1st and goes to the end of November, though things seem to drop off by the middle of that month.
Hope you and Poppy enjoy tonight. The moon was lovely last night. Huge with a bit of yellow. I surmise it was either a bright red or orange as it rose in the East against the setting sun in the West. Hubby’s room faces the street. I surmise your hubby has the entire weekend off. The grill sounds nice. Take care and stay safe.
Here’s looking at you. 🎈😎
Good morning in California Kitten wishing you a great day. 🎈💕Happy Memorial Day
Weekend to you and the family. -
Good afternoon in the ‘burgh. Enjoy this afternoon with your family. 😎💕🎈
Oz will start raining real soon. I say bring it. LOL!
Looks like our little friend in the pic has the right idea. 💕
Sending cool vibes to you and Jake. 😘😎
Good morning in S. California and I do hope you feel better soon. Taci just do what you
have to do to beat this cold. 😎🎈😘Thank for such a sweet response to the new Thread I put my heart and soul into this thread.
This is a labor of love and you are right it takes a lot of effort and energy to do it right.
This is just a little knock around thread I came up with ten years ago. Everyone in the
Community were doing their own thing so I thought why not focus on music, fashion
and things. 😎🎈My background is all that. I hope you enjoy it every time you take a look.
Taci I have said this before many times people would private message me and say how
much they liked the thread they don’t post but they love looking and reading it. 🎈No this thread will not change the world but I like to be different and just do what I love
to do and I am so glad I’ve made friends along the way and you and the rest of the girls
are all a part of this thread. 💕😘Taci I have not had the pleasure of hiking or walking The Camino de Santiago.
My you are a Wonder lust. 😘💕😎 I hope you do it when the time is right.Dare to dream of this place. Taci my backyard patio is very similar to the pic I did for you
yesterday. 😎🎈I hope you feel better soon.Happy Trails in your dreams. 🎶🎶Hey not a bad idea for HD to have her girls make that
trip. 😎 -
Good afternoon on the Gulf Coast of Florida. I hope it is a cooler day for you.
Oz is warm but alright I do have the A/C set to come on when needed. 😎I am getting some things done and this is one and done stuff. I have many things
I am donating to a homeless shelter Thrift Store. 🎈I hope you and hubby will enjoy your long weekend. Hubby and I will do some grilling
with the fixings maybe a few people will drop over. Hey we will all be on the Patio.I am glad you are loving your baking treasures. We went shopping and brought a nice
watermelon and it is so good. 😎🎈Oodie I miss hearing about the birds you feed shrimp and fish. 💕
I have some Andrew Lessman coming next week. 😎
Hey enjoy your day.
Good afternoon in Florida Xango you are still in our hearts and our thoughts. 🎈😘
Just be well my friend. 💕 -
Good morning in your corner of the world. Loaf wishing you and the kids a nice long
Weekend. Stay safe and have some fun. 😎🎈😘Loaf you are missed on this thread.
Conversation Info
Posted in Talk Among Yourselves
2,053 Replies
07.19.24 2:17 AM
8 Participants