Conversation 24
Hello Peeps time for a new Conversation Thread. This is number 24 out of the
series. I created and started this thread 10 years ago.
I will change it often from now on. This is just a knock around
thread about things in life. My life and others. I am an avid Heidi
Daus Collector, former singer, model and so on. I do this thread because
I enjoy what I do. I love fashion and music and HSN is a little of both.
I cover a lot of music and fashion on this thread. ✨😎
I am going to wish Happy Holidays to all the Peeps out there and please
stay safe. 🌹✨😎
Hi again. I just walked in and turned the computer on and saw your note. All the food is now in the frig. 12 plastic bags worth. I am highly allergic to strawberries and they were my only concern. The strawberries are ripe and I used gloves to put them into the frig. To think way back when I used to plant strawberries in our front yard. I used the plants as ground cover. Not only were the leaves pretty, but to actually see the strawberries ripen and hubby having the time of his life pioking them made my day. It was worth the itches and the swelling from the hives just to watch him go to town. Of course, after that, I used an epi.
My husband never had problems swallowing food until recently At home we would sit at our kitchen bar or in the dining area or in the den with a tray . He never ate a meal in bed. Once in a while he had problems with apples. Hubby has to learn to take small bites and to chew his food. No more swallowing anything whole. He ate one small slice of pizza and a half of the Italian grinder. He choked on the water that I made him drink which we both laughed at as I left. The pizza crust was soft and so was the grinder roll. The breads are all made by the Amish as is all their deli and food take out items. The bakery area is huge and it’s always difficult to make a choice. I tried their marble rye just a few weeks ago and it was delicious. The bread has a great flavor whether just out of the frig or toasted. There was nothing that he could not eat. I even had a bow tie salad and macaroni salad as a backup. I was also told not to bring him ice cream from Culvers anymore or from anyone else. This thing is really getting out of hand. Tomorrow I will be contacting our regular physician for a second opinion. The food he turned down was baby food from a jar. It smelled awful and even the aid who delivered turned his nose up as well. Nurses do not always know the best way to handle the situation. If I am not there when food is delivered, there is no one to remind him to take small bites and to chew his food well before swallowing. It is also a good way to lose weight. Again, thanks for the advice.
It’s so good to have friends that are there for you. Oh how I will miss hubby’s roommate. -
Thank you for your words of comfort I tell you it was a long week for me.
I am going to take a Korres/Perlier Shower we are raining and it is muggy.Goodnight and sweet dreams. 😘💕
Thank you for your thoughts I was trying not to worry everyone. This was hard on his
wife because he collapse and other brother had her call the ambulance which was a life
saver. All is calm and good and they are watching some NBA Games. Bro has work tomorrow.Poppy is doing fine tonight I don’t think the loud thunder helped. I am trying to feed the
other two cats already feed one.I have had a very long and trying week.
I am meeting many ladies along the way with Poppy I always like to stop and chatter. 💕
I do a brisk walk which get those endorphins up and running.Taci enjoy your evening 😎
I am very sad to hear about the room mate. I hope your husband hurry up and get out of
that place. Home is where the heart is. I know you pay a fortune for them to tell you what
he cannot eat. The food is soft that should work.Poppy has appointment for the Vet this week I am leaving nothing to chance and I live
in Dog Country I mean this neighborhood has nothing but dogs and babies in buggies.Poppy seems fine tonight we are having a rain storm and I am on the watch for the cats.
I managed to feed one and I feel really good about that. I hope I see the other two.Oodiebom my your husband’s room mate memory be a blessing.
Thank you for your thoughts on my brother I just did not want to bother anyone once he
was stable and the problem was solved. 💕 -
Peace Out Peeps enjoy your evening.
Oodie, if this helps, i sent my mother Cheeses and crackers from CA to AZ to the hospital and it stayed cold. I was shocked but took a chance because I knew she needed it. I used cold packs and a soft thermal lunch pack type container. Maybe I got lucky.
Thanks for the note. I do sneak food in. I had just arrived from the Farmer’s Market and had the freezer bag. Guess someone saw me arrive. I am now getting ready for the trip home. The market had a deal on cheese pizza and so brought it with me. I also purchased an Italian grinder which is hubby’s favorite. Also brought bananas., Ca. strawberries were on sale, so included that as we!!. .As of today all food I bring will be confiscated, but there are other ways for me to continue. I just have to think of a way to refrigerate the strawberries.I am highly allergic to them.
Oodie, Hello. Maybe you can sneak food into that place. I sincerely hope he gets home soon.
Sheba, Sorry about your brother and his er visit and surgery. What a scare that must have been for everyone. Glad he is doing well and hope he continues to do so.
Getting back to the trails…. well today I met someone on the trail and she saw me yesterday running a bit so you know I had to invite her to run with me a bit today and she did! It was great. She told me she did the Camino and is doing it again next year. Btw, it was a very slow run, the local runners were zooming by and so nice.
Conversation Info
Posted in Talk Among Yourselves
2,041 Replies
05.23.24 1:21 AM
7 Participants